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NIFEA Communiqué

We, the members of communities including social thinkers, clergy, theologians, activists, and community leaders representing social organizations, ecumenical institutions, and religious traditions, gathered under the aegis of the New International Financial Economic Architecture (NIFEA). We met at a time when leaders of the G20 were also gathering to deliberate on the future of this planet.

WCC Programmes

NIFEA group calls for reimagined global financial alternatives

Meeting at the same time as the G20 summit in Delhi, India, a group of social thinkers, community activists, theologians, and religious leaders has called for “radical alternatives” to be reimagined “as an alternative to capitalism, state domination, patriarchy, ableism, cis-heteronormativity, and all forms of racism and casteism.”

GEM School explores how to make new economic world order a reality

Held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – a city of socioeconomic contrasts – from 21 August to 1 September, the 6th edition of the Ecumenical School on Governance, Economics, and Management for an Economy of Life (GEM School 2023) gathered 24 participants to rethink economic systems for a more equitable, sustainable planet.

Exploring the heart of Labour: Insights from the NIFEA Consultation on Labour

In the lively urban setting of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, theologians, church delegates, activists, and individuals attending the Ecumenical School on Governance, Economics, and Management for an Economy of Life (GEM School) came together between August 21 and 23. They convened for a deep and meaningful discussion at the NIFEA Consultation on Labour.

WCC inspires “Theology of Work” discussion for churches in Malaysia

World Council of Churches (WCC) programme director for Public Witness and Diakonia Rev. Dr Kenneth Mtata delved into the heart of “Theology of Work” in a keynote address during the opening of the New International Financial and Economic Architecture (NIFEA) Consultation on Labour, being hosted 21-23 August by the National Council of Churches in Malaysia.

Neuauflage der ZacTax-Kampagne für Afrika

„Steuergerechtigkeit ist eine Sache des Glaubens“, sagte Suzanne Matale. „Der Glaube gibt [allen] Menschen das Recht auf ein Leben in Fülle. Auch gewöhnliche Menschen haben das Recht, informiert zu werden und einen Platz an den Verhandlungstischen zu bekommen, an denen Entscheidungen getroffen werden, die unsere von Gott gegebene Würde betreffen.“

Churches’ representatives call for socially responsible solutions to global crises

Participants of the United Nations Economic and Social Council Financing for Development Forum and representatives from the World Council of Churches (WCC), the World Communion of Reformed Churches, the World Methodist Council, the Lutheran World Federation, and the Council for World Mission convened in New York to discuss the converging food, fuel, and debt crises and their impacts on vulnerable communities.