Mtata's speech shed light on pressing global challenges, beginning with the tragic plight of thousands of young lives lost in the Mediterranean Sea while seeking employment and livelihood opportunities in Europe. He emphasized that the concept of “Theology of Work” must confront these contemporary dilemmas, drawing from ecumenical theological resources to shape the world’s understanding of work.
NIFEA is an economic justice initiative led by the World Council of Churches, the World Communion of Reformed Churches, the Lutheran World Federation, the World Methodist Council, and Council for World Mission.
"Addressing the profound moral dilemma of migrants’ young lives lost in the Mediterranean Sea, and the rampant unemployment I've witnessed in my own country Zimbabwe, our theology of work must transcend words and take practical action," Mtata remarked.
He stressed the importance of transforming concrete practices to uphold human dignity and advocating for policies that promote dignified work. Mtata emphasized that this theology should find its roots in scripture and shared vision for transformation.
Drawing from scripture, he explored the biblical understanding of work, citing the creation stories in Genesis, where God appoints land stewards, emphasizing humans' stewardship role in caring for the earth.
He also highlighted the biblical theme of fair taxation, found in both the Old and New Testaments, as a critique of labor inequalities, echoing the importance of addressing such imbalances within the theology of work.
The New International Financial and Economic Architecture (NIFEA)