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Weaving the web of peace and justice: a journey for reconciliation in the Korean Peninsula

In an exclusive interview, a prominent figure in the field of peace and justice, the former general secretary of National Council of Churches in Korea and former executive secretary for the Christian Conference of Asia, Rev. Hong-Jung Lee, shared insights into his journey and experiences working towards peace and justice in the Korean Peninsula. Drawing on his extensive experience and involvement in various ecumenical organizations, he shed light on the importance of healing, reconciliation, and the role of churches and Christians in advancing peace in Korea.

Únase a la oración de Pascua por la paz y la reunificación de la península de Corea

El Consejo Nacional de Iglesias de Corea (NCCK, por sus siglas en inglés) ha publicado la “Oración de Pascua 2023 por la paz y la reunificación de la península coreana”, una celebración anual que este año reviste un significado especial al cumplirse setenta años desde el alto el fuego de la Guerra de Corea establecido por el Acuerdo de Armisticio de 1953.

In New York City, unity prayers focus on how we “can join hands and minds and do the work that God has called us to do”

Christians in New York City opened the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity on 18 January by participating in a worship service at the Interchurch Center, an office building that houses many church-related organizations and many others focused on intercultural and religious exchange. The service was infused with themes of justice and unity, both from a perspective of African-American history and the urging of Christians today to put their faith into action.

L’appel à l’unité des chrétien-ne-s exige «une approche à la fois prophétique et pastorale»

Le pasteur Curtiss Paul DeYoung, codirecteur général du Conseil des Églises du Minnesota, aux États-Unis, a participé à la création d’une équipe d’auteurs et autrices chargée de rédiger les ressources de la Semaine de prière pour l’unité des chrétiens de cette année. Il revient sur les défis rencontrés et les espoirs partagés lors de la rédaction commune du texte.