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At “Working Together" meeting, “we welcome one another”

World Council of Churches (WCC) specialized ministries and roundtable partners are gathering on 3-4 May at the Bossey Ecumenical Institute for a Working Together” meeting filled with a spirit of interconnected learning and preparation for the WCC 11th Assembly.

Workshop charts future directions for mission thinking in next generation

Eighteen participants representing 16 World Council of Churches (WCC) member churches and ecumenical mission partners from 14 countries engaged in a missional formation workshop on 15-16 April in collaboration with the WCC Bossey Ecumenical Institute.

The workshop, designed to facilitate the contribution of young leadership, was coordinated by the WCC Commission on World Mission and Evangelism under the theme “Young Leadership in Mission.”

The COVID-19 pandemic and community life: reflections and challenges

The Greek word Koinonia, which Paul especially uses in the New Testament, translates as community, communion, union, fellowship, participation, among other meanings. The term "solidarity" expresses the meaning of Koinonia. The community based on solidarity seeks peace, justice, well-being, the Shalom of the people. The word "coexistence" can also be equivalent of Koinonia, because it means to live in unity for several generations under the same roof or house. The "coexistence" leads us to take care of the integrity of creation, to recognize that we are not the only inhabitants of this house.

Junge Menschen in Afrika sind bereit, Herausforderungen zu meistern

Junge afrikanische Geistliche, Theologinnen und Theologen sowie Laien sind bereit, die herausfordernden Problem ihres Kontinents und der Welt in Angriff zu nehmen. Dies ging aus einem kürzlich vom Ökumenischen Rat der Kirchen (ÖRK) in Partnerschaft mit der Gesamtafrikanischen Kirchenkonferenz (AACC) durchgeführten Aufsatzwettbewerb für Autorinnen und Autoren unter 35 Jahren hervor.

Young Africans are eager to grapple with challenges

Young African clergy, theologians and laypersons are eager to engage with the challenging issues facing their continent and the world. This became clear in a recent essay competition for authors below 35 years by the World Council of Churches (WCC) in partnership with the All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC).

Indigenous youth to convene pilgrimage in Japan

Promoting justice, peace and racial awareness, indigenous youth will gather in Osaka, Japan from 8-12 September. Collaborating with the World Council of Churches, the youth from around the world will continue to build on indigenous youth leadership initiatives begun in the past few years, affirming the growing visibility and presence of indigenous youth leadership in the ecumenical movement.

Eine passionierte koreanische Feministin und Ökumenikerin

Im glorreichsten Moment ihres beruflichen Werdegangs stellt Pastorin Prof. Dr. Sang Chang fest, dass die Gesellschaft nicht immer nur nett und wohlgesonnen ist und die Politik wie vom Teufel gelenkt sein kann. Aber dank Gottes Hilfe ist sie darüber hinweggekommen und hegt keinen Groll mehr. Ganz im Gegenteil ist sie in ihrem Kampf für die Gleichstellung der Geschlechter und für soziale Gerechtigkeit entschlossener als je zuvor.

A passionate Korean feminist and ecumenist

At the most glorious moment in her career, Rev. Prof. Dr Sang Chang discovered that society is not always friendly and that politics can be devilish. But thanks to God, she got over it. Without bitterness and even more determined in her fight for gender equality and social justice.

Young peoples movement strengthens influence

After three intense days with deep discussions and productive sessions, the bi-annual meeting of the World Council of Churches (WCC) ECHOS Commission came to an end on Thursday. Fourteen young committee members and staff from 20 different countries all over the world had gathered in Seoul, Korea to further strengthen the WCC young peoples movement and continue the pilgrimage of justice and peace.

Iraqi refugee shares story of hope through harrowing ordeal

On International Youth Day, Azeez Sadeq, who now lives in Lyon, France, shared his personal story of being an Iraqi refugee.

"Have you ever thought that one day, you can lose everything?” he asked the young people gathered with him.

That's what happened to Sadeq when he was 18 years old, when the Islamic State Organisation, also referred to as Daesh, invaded his village.

Frischer Wind in Afrikas größter ökumenischer Organisation

In der Gesamtafrikanischen Kirchenkonferenz herrscht Aufbruchstimmung, denn die afrikanische ökumenische Organisation beginnt ihren neuen Fünfjahres-Strategieplan umzusetzen.
In einer ambitionierten, aus sechs Säulen bestehenden Roadmap hat diese Gruppierung aus protestantischen, anglikanischen, orthodoxen und indigenen Kirchen komplett neue Arbeitsfelder für sich entdeckt und investiert damit neue Energie in bestehende Programme. Zentrale Punkte der Strategie sind Effektivität, Effizienz und Zuverlässigkeit für die Ökumene, der es besonders um die Erfüllung ihrer prophetischen Mission geht.