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ÖRK betet für Haiti nach einem Erdbeben der Stärke 7,2

Der Ökumenische Rat der Kirchen (ÖRK) hat sich mit den Menschen in Haiti solidarisch erklärt und betet für die Bevölkerung und die Kirchen in Haiti, nachdem die Insel am 14. August von einem Erdbeben der Stärke 7.2 getroffen wurde. 

Die haitianische Regierung hat den Notstand ausgerufen. Mehr als 1.300 Menschen verloren ihr Leben, Tausende wurden verletzt.

WCC prays for Haiti in wake of 7.2-magnitude earthquake

The World Council of Churches (WCC) reached out in solidarity and prayer to people and churches in Haiti in the wake of a 7.2-magnitude earthquake that struck Haiti, on 14 August. 

The Haitian government declared a state of emergency, with 1,300 dead and several thousands injured.

Die ernste Bedrohung des Amazonas wird durch Agrarplünderungen und Missionierung verschärft

Im Regenwald des Amazonas, einem heilige Ort für 34 Millionen Menschen, stöhnt Gottes Schöpfung, denn das Amazonasgebiet leidet unter wachsender Ungleichheit, zunehmender Aneignung von Land, vermehrter Okkupationswirtschaft und einer Lockerung der Umweltschutzgesetze, während seine Beschützer zunehmend kriminalisiert und ermordet und, angestiftet von der Agrarindustrie, immer mehr Brände gelegt werden - und das alles wird durch Missionierung noch verschlimmert.

Amazon’s grave risks exacerbated by agri-plundering, proselytizing

God’s creation groans in the Amazon forest, a sacred space for 34 million people suffering from the growth of inequality, land invasion, extractivism, relaxation of environmental laws, criminalization and murder of its defenders, and arson orchestrated by agribusiness—all of it made worse by proselytizing.

Graves riscos à Amazônia exacerbados pela agricultura predatória e pelo proselitismo

A Criação de Deus padece na Floresta Amazônica, um espaço sagrado para 34 milhões de pessoas que sofrem com o crescimento da desigualdade, invasões de terras, extrativismo, relaxamento de leis ambientais, criminalização e assassinato de seus defensores/as e incêndios criminosos orquestrados pelo agronegócio. E tudo isso vem sido exacerbado pelo proselitismo.

Dr Jurjen A. Zeilstra: Visser 't Hooft’s life “a fascinating adventure”

Dr Jurjen Zeilstra is a historian and theologian. His biography “Visser 't Hooft, 1900-1985 Living for the Unity of the Church” served as a dissertation in the humanities at the Amsterdam Free University in order to receive the degree of Ph.D. in 2018. Willem Visser 't Hooft led the World Council of Churches (WCC) during its formative stages. Below, Dr Zeilstra reflects on what it was like to study the life of Visser 't Hooft.

Netherlands churches urge Dutch government—and other nations—to care for children from Greek refugee camps

In a letter to its European sister organizations, the Council of Churches in the Netherlands reiterated its call to the Dutch government to honour the call from the European Committee regarding the relocation of vulnerable and unaccompanied children from Greek refugee camps. The letter also urges European sister organizations to appeal to their governments to exercise the same human compassion.