Photo: Magnus Aronson/WCC

Photo: Magnus Aronson/WCC

In a letter to its European sister organizations, the Council of Churches in the Netherlands reiterated its call to the Dutch government to honour the call from the European Committee regarding the relocation of vulnerable and unaccompanied children from Greek refugee camps. The letter also urges European sister organizations to appeal to their governments to exercise the same human compassion.

“We believe it to be important that all the countries in the European Union share responsibility for the action plan created by the European Committee regarding the relocation of this group of vulnerable children,” reads the letter. "We have yet to see unanimity and solidarity between the member states to find a joint solution to this situation.”

The Council of Churches of the Netherlands said it hopes sister organizations feel supported to make a powerful step towards a solution and to heed the call of the European Committee.

"We hope we can count on you,” the letter reads. “You can count on us.”


Council of Churches in the Netherlands

Letter by the Council of Churches in the Netherlands