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WCC organises event on “The Human Rights Situation in the Philippines”

As more and more people in the Philippines lose their loved ones to extrajudicial killings, and are falsely accused of crimes by the authorities, the World Council of Churches (WCC) is increasing its support and accompaniment of people fighting for human rights in the Philippines.
On 16 September, concerned colleagues and guests gathered in the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva to attend an event entitled: “Defending the Sanctity of Life and Dignity of Creation: The Human Rights Situation in the Philippines”. The event gave a platform to four different speakers from victim, human rights and church perspectives.

WCC joins call for release of mission personnel from Philippines

The World Council of Churches (WCC) joined the Council of Bishops of the United Methodist Church (UMC) as well as United Methodist bishops in the Philippines in appealing to the government of the Philippines for assistance and cooperation in extracting three United Methodist mission personnel from the country.

Solidarity overcomes sorrow: Indigenous Peoples gather in Trondheim

Journeying from urban centres and small Pacific islands, mountain ranges and rural towns, more than 170 Indigenous people gathered this week at the mouth of the river that flows from traditional Sami lands. Their conference, “Reconciliation Processes and Indigenous Peoples: Truth, Healing and Transformation,” brought together representatives of more than two dozen Indigenous societies in connection with the WCC Central Committee meetings in Trondheim, Norway.

La solidaridad alivia las penas: los pueblos indígenas se reúnen en Trondheim

Procedentes de centros urbanos y pequeñas islas del Pacífico, desde cordilleras y pueblos rurales, más de 170 indígenas se han dado cita esta semana en la desembocadura del río que fluye desde las tierras que tradicionalmente han pertenecido al pueblo sami. Su conferencia, “Los procesos de reconciliación y los pueblos indígenas: verdad, sanación y transformación”, reunió a representantes de más de una veintena de sociedades indígenas con ocasión del Comité Central del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias, en Trondheim (Noruega).

Réunion des populations autochtones à Trondheim: la solidarité plus forte que le chagrin

Partis de centres urbains ou de petites îles du Pacifique, de massifs montagneux ou de communes rurales, plus de 170 autochtones se sont réunis cette semaine dans l’estuaire du fleuve qui parcourt les terres traditionnelles des Samis. Leur conférence, intitulée «Processus de réconciliation et populations autochtones: vérité, guérison et transformation», a rassemblé des représentantes et des représentants de plus d’une vingtaine de sociétés autochtones en marge des réunions du Comité central du COE à Trondheim, en Norvège.

ÖRK-Exekutivausschuss äußert sich zu Migrationskrise

In tiefer Sorge um die Migrantinnen und Migranten in vielen Regionen der Welt, insbesondere um diejenigen, „die aus Verzweiflung unter großen Risiken und Gefahren reisen“, erklärte der Exekutivausschuss des ÖRK: „Alle Mitglieder der internationalen Gemeinschaft haben die moralische und rechtliche Verpflichtung, das Leben der Menschen zu retten, die auf See oder auf der Durchreise in Lebensgefahr schweben, ungeachtet ihrer Herkunft oder ihres Status.“

WCC Executive Committee speaks out on migrant crises

Deeply concerned for migrants in many regions, especially those “driven to undertake journeys of desperate risk and danger”, the WCC Executive Committee has declared: “All members of the international community have a moral and legal duty to save the lives of those in jeopardy at sea or in transit, regardless of their origin and status.”

El Comité Ejecutivo del CMI se pronuncia sobre las crisis de los migrantes

Profundamente preocupado por la situación de los migrantes en muchas regiones y, en particular, por la de aquellos “obligados a emprender viajes desesperados llenos de riesgos y peligros”, el Comité Ejecutivo del CMI declaró que “todos los miembros de la comunidad internacional tienen el deber moral y legal de salvar las vidas de aquellos que están en peligro, sea en el mar o durante su tránsito, independientemente de su origen o condición”.