Displaying 1 - 20 of 29

Blending local and global ecumenism in Asia

After being postponed twice because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the 15th General Assembly of the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) finally got underway in late September and early October 2023 in Kottayam, India. Under the theme "God, renew us in your spirit and restore the creation,” CCA member churches across Asia gathered to stake out the direction forward and evaluate accomplishments and challenges since the last assembly in 2015 in Jakarta. 

A journey through advocacy, women's leadership, and the Korea peace appeal

The call for peace in Korea has resonated for decades, echoing across international borders and faith communities. Patti Talbot, who has served The United Church of Canada for nearly 30 years, sheds light on the enduring relevance of ecumenical advocacy efforts for peace in the Korean Peninsula. She shared insights into the importance of these efforts and their potential to change the situation on the Korean Peninsula.

Weaving the web of peace and justice: a journey for reconciliation in the Korean Peninsula

In an exclusive interview, a prominent figure in the field of peace and justice, the former general secretary of National Council of Churches in Korea and former executive secretary for the Christian Conference of Asia, Rev. Hong-Jung Lee, shared insights into his journey and experiences working towards peace and justice in the Korean Peninsula. Drawing on his extensive experience and involvement in various ecumenical organizations, he shed light on the importance of healing, reconciliation, and the role of churches and Christians in advancing peace in Korea.

Les artisanes de la paix appellent à une paix holistique et durable

Une participation importante des femmes dans la résolution des conflits et l’édification de la paix est bénéfique pour atteindre une paix plus durable. Telle est la conclusion d’une table ronde d’artisanes de la paix, qui s’est tenue après la projection d’un documentaire portant sur l’initiative de 2015 «Women Cross the DMZ».

Korean church leaders reflect on reconciliation: “the people’s power should be the main strategy”

The following feature begins a series of reflections from churches in different countries on "reconciliation" in the midst of conflict and division, following the theme of the World Council of Churches (WCC) 11th Assembly, Christs love moves the world to reconciliation and unity.” As the WCC commits to working together as a fellowship on a Pilgrimage of Justice, Reconciliation, and Unity,” these stories explore how deepened relationships can lead to understanding and radical change.

Iluminando la vida de muchas personas

El tema principal de una de las reuniones confesionales que tuvieron lugar durante la reunión del Comité Central del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI), a mediados de junio, fue la habilitación de las mujeres desfavorecidas y de sus hijos para mitigar la pobreza.

Licht im Leben vieler Menschen

Das Ermächtigen von benachteiligten Frauen und ihren Kindern zur Linderung der Armut war das Hauptthema von einer der konfessionellen Sitzungen im Rahmen der Zentralausschusstagung des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK) Mitte Juni.

Éclairer la vie de beaucoup

L’évêque Isaac Mar Philoxenos, membre du Comité central du COE, a partagé un exemple de « l’amour de Dieu en action » lors d’une réunion confessionnelle.

Lighting the lives of many

Empowering underprivileged women and their children to alleviate poverty was the main topic of one of the confessional meetings held during the World Council of Churches (WCC) central committee meeting in mid-June.

West Papuan Council of Churches issues a 'moral call’ for their people

For the people of the Indonesian province of West Papua, human rights have significantly deteriorated throughout 2019 and 2020, as demonstrated by the latest biennial report issued by the International Coalition for Papua. In this context, the West Papuan Council of Churches issued a moral call to the international community on behalf of their people.