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Faith-based organisations to COP27: “We bring narratives that demand us all to act with justice”

“COP27 is a critical occasion for governments to together re-envision, develop, commit to and implement a roadmap towards a fossil fuel-free, post-growth, equitable and sustainable tomorrow,” said Bishop Arnold Temple of the Methodist Church in Sierra Leone, representing the interfaith liaison group, to the High-Level Ministerial Segment of the 27th Session of Conference of the Parties (COP27).

What difference does dressing in black make?

On 26 July at the International AIDS Conference in Amsterdam, there was a marked change in colour at the Interfaith Networking Zone. It was Thursday, and from morning prayers to the evening informal networking, the theme was “black”.

Building bridges of faith in the HIV response

A symbolic bridge, carefully constructed over a two-day interfaith conference, connects an interfaith networking zone with a space shared with the World Health Organization (WHO), UNAIDS and Unitaid at the Global Village of the International AIDS Conference 2018.

ÖRK ruft zum Schutz des Amazonas auf

„Der Amazonas, die grüne Lunge der Erde, ist in Trauer, und das von ihm erhaltene Leben verdorrt“ – so beginnt eine vom Exekutivausschuss des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen auf seiner Tagung in Amman abgegebene Erklärung.