Displaying 1 - 20 of 312

As floods strike East Africa, church officials fear nature is hitting back

As climate change induced floods terrorize communities in East Africa, clerics and officials here fear that nature was hitting back.

Floods have struck Kenya and Tanzania, leaving behind a trail of death, destruction, and displacement. Floods are most intense in some of the same areas previously struck by a lengthy drought described by the UN as the worst in four decades.

South Sudan churches share Easter messages of hope

Churches in South Sudan shared Easter messages of hope, even amid troubling times for the African nation.The South Sudan Council of Churches, in its message, emphasized renewed hope. “In today’s world, marked by so many conflicts and so much suffering, we understand that many of us feel disheartened,” reads the message.

Human rights advocates celebrate democratic control of water in Nigeria

After a years-long battle against proposed water-related legislation in Nigeria that had high potential for privatizing water, the World Council of Churches (WCC) Ecumenical Water Network in Nigeria celebrated the defeat of the proposed law, and pledged to continue to protect water as a human right.

Der ÖRK verurteilt einen Angriff auf Friedensstifter im Südsudan

In einem Hirtenbrief an die Kirchen im Südsudan und an das norwegische Hilfswerk Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) zeigte sich der Generalsekretär des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK) Pastor Dr. Jerry Pillay schockiert und betroffen über den Angriff auf Fahrzeuge des NCA in Imehejek, Lopa Lafon, im Bundesstaat Eastern Equatoria im Südsudan. 

WCC condemns attack on peacemakers in South Sudan

In a pastoral letter to the churches of South Sudan and to Norwegian Church Aid, World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay expressed shock and sadness about the news of an attack on Norwegian Church Aid vehicles in Imehejek, Lopa Lafon, in the Eastern Equatoria region of South Sudan.