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Una joven de 26 años sin documento de identidad en Jerusalén afirma que “ha perdido su derecho a llevar una vida normal”

Samyah*, de 26 años, no tiene documento de identidad, ni palestino ni israelí. Nacida en Cisjordania, en el pasado tuvo un documento de identidad de Jerusalén, por su padre, pero se lo retiraron. Se enteró de que se lo habían retirado con 16 años, cuando tuvo la oportunidad de viajar con su colegio a Suiza, pero no pudo por este motivo. Desde entonces, Samyah y su familia luchan por recuperar su documento de identidad de Jerusalén.

With no ID card in Jerusalem, 26-year-old says “I lost my right to live a normal life”

Twenty-six-year-old Samyah* has no ID card—not Palestinian or Israeli. Born in the West Bank, she once had a Jerusalem ID card after her father but it was revoked. She found out about the revocation when she was 16 and thought had the opportunity to travel with her school to Switzerland. She could not travel. Since then, Samyah and her family have been struggling to regain her Jerusalem ID card.

Faith-based organisations to COP27: “We bring narratives that demand us all to act with justice”

“COP27 is a critical occasion for governments to together re-envision, develop, commit to and implement a roadmap towards a fossil fuel-free, post-growth, equitable and sustainable tomorrow,” said Bishop Arnold Temple of the Methodist Church in Sierra Leone, representing the interfaith liaison group, to the High-Level Ministerial Segment of the 27th Session of Conference of the Parties (COP27).