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WCC worship songwriting competition announces winners

Young songwriters will take center inspirational stage at the upcoming World Council of Churches (WCC) 11th Assembly as the WCC announced the winners of its Worship Songwriting Competition on 22 August. The contest aimed to engage and support young people in the assembly's planning and delivery.

Together in the Mission of God

Jubilee Reflections on the International Missionary Council

What is so important in the International Missionary Council (IMC) and its historical successor, the World Council of Churches’ (WCC) Commission on World Mission and Evangelism, that they will have their own centennial volume?

By reading this book, the reader will gain a better understanding of how important and crucial they have been in the development of the ecumenical movement and of what today is often called World Christianity.

This volume aims to highlight how, in the course of the past century, structured efforts to foster unity in mission cooperation have shaped not only Christianity but even the world.

Tenth Report Study Documents

Joint Working Group between the Roman Catholic Church and the World Council of Churches

Peace is a Treasure for All: An Ecumenical Reflection on Peacebuilding in Situations of Conflict and Violence

Migrants and Refugees: Ecumenical Challenges and Opportunities

These Study Documents to the JWG 10th Report—Walking, Praying and Working Together, together with the report, encourage intensive ecumenical cooperation of all Christians and people of goodwill, with a particular emphasis on the contributions that can be made by the WCC and the RCC together.

Walking, Praying and Working Together

10th Report of the Joint Working Group of the WCC and the Roman Catholic Church

The JWG offers this report and two study documents to the 11th Assembly in Karlsruhe in 2022 with recommendations for the parent bodies. The study documents address two critical areas of ecumenical cooperation in today’s world:

Peace Is a Treasure for All: An Ecumenical Reflection on Peacebuilding in Situations of Conflict, and

Violence and Migrants and Refugees: Ecumenical Challenges and Opportunities Together, these documents encourage intensive ecumenical cooperation of all Christians and people of goodwill, with a particular emphasis on the contributions that can be made by the WCC and the RCC together.

WCC executive committee appoints three new WCC staff leaders

The World Council of Churches (WCC) executive committee has appointed, by consensus, three new WCC staff leaders: a programme director for Unity and Mission; a programme director for Public Witness and Diakonia; and a director of the Commission on World Mission and Evangelism.

Un siglo de teología ecuménica, ahora al alcance de la mano

Los documentos de Fe y Constitución –la primera publicación digital sustancial del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias y su mayor colección gratuita– abren una nueva frontera para estudiosos, ecumenistas y cualquier persona interesada en recorrer los giros y virajes del camino hacia la unidad cristiana.

Las reflexiones sobre “¿Qué dicen las iglesias sobre la Iglesia?” comparten los frutos de la Comisión de Fe y Constitución del CMI

A continuación, la Rev. Dra. Susan Durber, moderadora de la Comisión de Fe y Constitución del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI), y Su Eminencia el obispo Maxim de la Iglesia Ortodoxa Serbia, miembro de la Comisión de Fe y Constitución del CMI, reflexionan sobre la publicación What Are the Churches Saying About the Church?” (¿Qué dicen las iglesias sobre la Iglesia?).

La publicación, que presenta las principales conclusiones y propuestas de las respuestas a “La Iglesia: Hacia una visión común”, es uno de los muchos frutos recogidos por los grupos de estudio de la Comisión de Fe y Constitución del CMI para la 11ª Asamblea del CMI.

Reflections on “What Are the Churches Saying About the Church” share fruits of WCC Commission on Faith and Order

Below, Rev. Dr Susan Durber, moderator of the World Council of Churches (WCC) Commission on Faith and Order and His Eminence Bishop Maxim, from the Serbian Orthodox Church and a WCC Faith and Order commissioner, reflect on the publication What Are the Churches Saying About the Church?”

The publication, which presents key findings and proposals from responses to The Church: Towards a Common Vision,” is among the many fruits being harvested by the study groups of the WCC Faith and Order Commission for the WCC 11th Assembly.