Walking, Praying and Working Together
Specs: 108 pages; 6x9”; PDF and paper; perfect; 4-colour cover
ISBN: 978-2-8254-1808-6
Shelving/Topics: Christianity / Ecumenism
Rights: World, all languages
Price: 13.00 CHF, USD 13.00, £10.66, 12.61 €
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Also see Tenth Report Study Documents
The title of this report—Walking, Praying and Working Together: An Ecumenical Pilgrimage—was the motto of Pope Francis’ visit to Geneva in June 2018. Undoubtedly this was the highlight of ecumenical cooperation between the WCC and the RCC during
this mandate of the JWG. It accurately captured the WCC’s emphasis on a pilgrimage of justice and peace following the 10th Assembly in Busan in 2013 and Pope Francis’ conviction that unity can only grow through Christians walking together as fellow pilgrims in Christ’s love.