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Der ÖRK beantwortet Ihre Fragen über Impfstoffe

Während der  Weltimpfwoche setzt sich der Ökumenische Rat der Kirchen gemeinsam mit UNICEF und anderen internationalen Organisationen für Impfungen zur Verbesserung der Gesundheit weltweit ein. Nachstehend beantwortet Dr. Mwai Makoka, ÖRK-Programmreferent für Gesundheit und Heilung, oft gestellte Fragen über Impfstoffe. Er gibt einen kurzen Überblick über ihre Geschichte, geht auf die Rolle glaubensgestützter Gruppen ein und erklärt, warum Kinder und andere Personen so gefährdet sind, wenn sie nicht geimpft werden.

Le COE répond à vos questions sur les vaccins

A l'occasion de la Semaine mondiale de la vaccination, le Conseil œcuménique des Églises se joint à l'UNICEF et à d'autres organisations dans le monde pour inciter les populations dans le monde à se faire vacciner. Le Dr Mwai Makoka, responsable du programme Santé et guérison du COE, répond ci-dessous aux questions souvent posées sur les vaccins. Il présente un historique des vaccins, des réflexions sur le rôle des groupes confessionnels et explique pourquoi les enfants et d'autres personnes sont si vulnérables s'ils ne sont pas vaccinés.

Health-Promoting Churches Volume II:

A handbook to accompany churches in establishing and running sustainable health promotion ministries

Based on the premise that the local congregation is the primary agent for healing, and each individual member has a unique gift to contribute to this healing ministry, this book provides guidelines, resources and tools to equip and support local Christian congregations in starting a sustainable health ministry.

It provides a theological and public health basis of the Health Promoting Churches (HPC) model and a guide on organizing the HPC programme sustainably.

WCC answers your questions about vaccines

On World Immunization Week, the World Council of Churches is joining UNICEF and other organizations across the world in encouraging vaccinations for global health. Below, Dr Mwai Makoka, WCC programme executive for Health and Healing, answers often-asked questions about vaccines. He provides some history of vaccines, reflections on the role of faith-based groups, and why children and others are so vulnerable if they don’t receive vaccines.

Voces de lamento, esperanza y aliento

Semana de oración en tiempos de la pandemia de COVID-19

To commemorate a year since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the spread of COVID-19 a pandemic, the World Council of Churches provides this resource for a week of prayer.

This book was designed as a resource for use in prayer groups, congregational services, personal prayer, and in the pastoral accompaniment of those directly affected in different ways by the pandemic. The prayers, messages, reflections, statistics and WCC resources have roots in faith challenged by mourning, fear and uncertainty in different contexts worldwide. 

Stimmen der Klage, der Hoffnung und des Mutes

Eine Gebetswoche in Zeiten der COVID-19-Pandemie

To commemorate a year since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the spread of COVID-19 a pandemic, the World Council of Churches provides this resource for a week of prayer.

This book was designed as a resource for use in prayer groups, congregational services, personal prayer, and in the pastoral accompaniment of those directly affected in different ways by the pandemic. The prayers, messages, reflections, statistics and WCC resources have roots in faith challenged by mourning, fear and uncertainty in different contexts worldwide. 

Kusitasita kukubali chanjo kunaleta tena changamoto nyingine

Wakati mipango ya utoaji chanjo ikifanyika katika nchi zaidi na zaidi, kuna matumaini ya kumalizika kwa janga ambalo limeleta hofu na wasiwasi kote ulimwenguni tangu mapema mwaka 2020. Kurudi katika hali ya kawaida ya maisha ya kila siku, ambapo watu wanaweza kushirikiana na familia na marafiki, kwenda kazini kama walivyokuwa wakifanya na kumwabudu Mungu pamoja kanisani siku za Jumapili, kunasubiriwa kwa hamu.

Mais um desafio no enfrentamento da pandemia: a hesitação vacinal

Conforme as campanhas de vacinação continuam a progredir em mais e mais países, começamos a ver a luz no fim de uma pandemia que causa medo e ansiedade em todo o mundo desde o início de 2020. Todos aguardam ansiosamente um retorno à vida cotidiana, onde as pessoas podem se socializar com a família e amigos, trabalhar como antes, e adorar a Deus juntos na igreja aos domingos. 

Недоверие к вакцинации представляет еще одну проблему

Поскольку программы вакцинации внедряются во все большем количестве стран, появилась надежда на завершение пандемии, которая еще в начале 2020 года вселила страх и беспокойство во всем мире. Люди с нетерпением ждут возвращения к повседневной жизни, где они смогут как раньше общаться с семьей и друзьями, ходить на работу и вместе поклоняться Богу в церкви по воскресеньям.

التردد في أخذ اللقاح يشكل تحدياً آخر

مع انطلاق برامج التطعيم في الكثير من البلدان، هناك أمل في انتهاء زمن الجائحة التي بثت الخوف والقلق في مختلف أنحاء العالم منذ أوائل عام 2020. وينتظر الناس بلهفة العودة إلى الحياة اليومية، حيث يمكنهم الاختلاط مع عائلاتهم وأصدقائهم، والذهاب للعمل كما اعتادوا على ذلك، وعبادة الله في الكنيسة أيام الأحد. 

Las dudas sobre la vacunación plantean otro desafío más

A medida que los programas de vacunación se van llevando a cabo en cada vez más países, hay esperanza de poner fin a una pandemia que ha generado miedo y ansiedad en todo el mundo desde principios de 2020. Un retorno a la vida cotidiana, que permita a la gente reunirse con sus familiares y amigos, volver al trabajo y rendir culto a Dios en las iglesias los domingos, es esperado con impaciencia. 

Impfzögern führt zu neuen Herausforderungen

In immer mehr Ländern werden Impfprogramme aufgegleist und lassen auf ein Ende der Pandemie hoffen, die seit Anfang 2020 weltweit Angst und Sorgen verursacht. Die Rückkehr zu einem Alltag, in dem man sich mit Familie und Freunden treffen, seiner Arbeit nachgehen und sonntags gemeinsam in der Kirche Gott loben kann, wie dies vorher geschah, wird sehnlichst erwartet. 

Le scepticisme à l’égard de la vaccination pose une difficulté supplémentaire

Alors que les programmes de vaccination sont déployés dans de plus en plus de pays, nous pouvons commencer à espérer la fin d’une pandémie qui a semé la peur et l’anxiété dans le monde entier depuis début 2020. Nous avons tous hâte, en effet, de revenir à une vie normale, de voir notre famille et nos amis librement, d’aller au travail comme avant, et de pouvoir pratiquer le culte ensemble à l’église le dimanche.

Vaccination hesitance poses yet another challenge

As vaccination programmes are being rolled out in more and more countries, there is hope for an end of a pandemic which has brought fear and anxiety around the globe since early 2020. A return to an everyday life, where people can socialize with family and friends, go to work as they used to and worship God together in church on Sundays, is eagerly awaited. 

Voices of Lament, Hope, and Courage

A Week of Prayer in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic

To commemorate a year since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the spread of COVID-19 a pandemic, the World Council of Churches provides this resource for a week of prayer.

This book was designed as a resource for use in prayer groups, congregational services, personal prayer, and in the pastoral accompaniment of those directly affected in different ways by the pandemic. The prayers, messages, reflections, statistics and WCC resources have roots in faith challenged by mourning, fear and uncertainty in different contexts worldwide. 

World Cancer Day

“He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” (Col. 1:17)

Many verses in scripture accurately portray some of the emotions around cancer: pain and suffering, mortality and loss, comfort and redemption, faith and eternity.

The rights and dignity of the other

In the words of Prof. Rev. Dr John Langan SJ, a human right "is a right that a human person has simply by virtue of being (human), irrespective of his or her social status, cultural accomplishments, moral merits, religious beliefs, class memberships or cultural relationships.” 

As repeat hurricanes threaten, churches offer vital services in Nicaragua, Honduras

Two weeks after Hurricane Eta struck, Nicaragua and Honduras are now bracing for another massive storm, Hurricane Iota. Eta killed at least 120 people in flash floods and mudslides. By 15 November, ahead of Iota’s landfall, some 63,500 people had been evacuated in northern Honduras, and 1,500 people in Nicaragua had been moved from low-lying areas of the country's northeast. Carlos Rauda, a regional officer with ACT Alliance, offers a glimpse of this unfolding situation, and the important role of churches.