Voices of Lament, Hope, and Courage
Specs: 186 pages; A5; PDF; perfect; 4-colour cover
ISBN: 978-2-8254-1757-7
Shelving/Topics: Religion/Health
Rights: World, all languages
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The preparation of this book was an act of fellowship crossing many confessional and cultural boundaries. It brought together regional ecumenical organizations, church leaders, councils of churches, students, and WCC partner organizations. The World Council of Churches is grateful for their inspiring participation and support
The aim is to bring hope and courage in a time of challenge.
In the foreword, WCC acting general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Ioan Sauca reflects that one year has passed since the World Health Organization declared the spread of COVID-19 a pandemic.
“During the week, we will gather to offer intercessions, especially for the most vulnerable and those on the frontline caring for them, often under harsh circumstances,” he writes. “We will recommit ourselves to active compassion across what separates us, in obedience to the one who had compassion for the crowds and ministered for their healing.”