Displaying 81 - 100 of 381

Specialized Ministries Pre-Assembly

09 - 10 March 2022

The pre-assembly with the leadership of specialized ministries is the opportunity to articulate a common response to the most pressing issues of our time and to propose common action as we move together toward the WCC assembly in Karlsruhe.

International symposium lays bare links between racism, colonialism

The systemic injustices of racism, colonialism and slavery—and how they feed into increases in violence and atrocities—held the attention of hundreds of people who attended the online Symposium on the Role of Religion and Faith-based Organizations in International Affairs on 25 January.

Se necesita un cambio para abordar el racismo sentando a todos alrededor de la mesa, dice la moderadora del CMI

El racismo y la discriminación son pecados, dice la Dra. Agnes Abuom. Sin embargo, en la tercera década del siglo XXI, el mundo debe cambiar la forma en que los aborda, incluso sentando a todos los actores alrededor de la mesa para resolverlos. De esa manera, pueden ayudar a rescatar a la humanidad y salvar la creación de Dios, pero esto implica hablar con los perpetradores.

Il faut changer les choses pour lutter contre le racisme en asseyant tout le monde à la table, déclare la modératrice du COE

Le racisme et la discrimination sont des péchés, déclare Agnes Abuom. Pourtant, en cette troisième décennie du XXIe siècle, le monde doit changer sa façon de les aborder, notamment en réunissant tout le monde autour de la table pour les résoudre. De cette façon nous pouvons contribuer à sauver l'humanité et la création de Dieu, mais cela implique de s'engager auprès des auteurs de ces crimes.

Wandel bei der Rassismus-Bekämpfung nötig. Dafür müssten alle an einem Tisch zusammenkommen, sagte ÖRK-Vorsitzende

Rassismus und Diskriminierung seien eine Sünde, sagte Dr. Agnes Aboum. Doch im dritten Jahrzehnt des 21. Jahrhunderts müsse die Welt einen anderen Weg wählen, um dagegen vorzugehen. Dafür müssten sich alle zusammensetzen. So könne man dazu beitragen, die Menschheit zu retten und Gottes Schöpfung zu bewahren. Doch dazu müsse man auch mit den Tätern sprechen.

Programme to Combat Racism began during apartheid, but xenophobia fight still churches’ focus

When the World Council of Churches (WCC) launched the Programme to Combat Racism after years of in-depth theological reflections and prayer in 1971, South Africa's insidious racist apartheid policies were in full throw. The programme brought the WCC into the world's spotlight. Yet racism did not start 50 years ago. And it did not end with the casting out of apartheid at the end of the 20th century. During that era, figures such as Nobel Peace Prize laureates Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandela fought racism in society and the church.

West Papuan Council of Churches issues a 'moral call’ for their people

For the people of the Indonesian province of West Papua, human rights have significantly deteriorated throughout 2019 and 2020, as demonstrated by the latest biennial report issued by the International Coalition for Papua. In this context, the West Papuan Council of Churches issued a moral call to the international community on behalf of their people.

Webinar-“From Combatting Racism to Overcoming Racism, Racial Discrimination and Xenophobia: the Old and the New for the Present and the Future of Racial Justice”

08 December 2021

An upcoming webinar on 8 December, entitled From Combatting Racism to Overcoming Racism, Racial Discrimination and Xenophobia: the Old and the New for the Present and the Future of Racial Justice,” will publicly launch a new World Council of Churches (WCC) programme while commemorating the 50th anniversary of the WCC Progamme to Combat Racism.

