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Como cristianos y cristianas confesamos que “del Señor es la tierra y todo lo que hay en ella; el mundo y los que lo habitan” (Salmo 24:1). Reconocemos nuestra responsabilidad como custodios y guardianes de la creación de Dios, única y abundante, de la que los seres humanos somos parte. No obstante, al observar nuestro mundo actual, vemos que debido a nuestra avaricia y negligencia el planeta vivo en su totalidad está amenazado por la aceleración del cambio climático. “La tierra está de duelo, se reseca; el mundo languidece, se reseca. [...] La tierra ha sido profanada por sus habitantes [...]” (Isaías 24:4-5).

Executive committee

Statement on the 27th Conference of the Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP27)

As Christians we confess that The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world and all who live in it” (Ps 24). We acknowledge our responsibility as stewards and caretakers of God’s unique and abundant Creation of which we human beings are part. And yet we look around our world today, and see that due to our greed and negligence the entire living planet is threatened by accelerating climate change. “The earth dries up and withers, the world languishes and withers…”, “The earth is defiled by its people…” (Isaiah 24:4-5).

Executive committee

Cooler Earth – Higher Benefits Second Edition

Actions by those who care about children, climate and finance
Frederique Seidel
Emmanuel de Martel

The second edition of this publication gives suggestions of how churches and other organizations around the world can respond to the climate emergency through investment decisions that are crucial to protect children from global warming. Contains updated tables and reports.

The third edition was published in August 2022 and is available here

Cooler Earth – Higher Benefits Second Edition

Actions by those who care about children, climate and finance
Frederique Seidel
Emmanuel de Martel

The second edition of this publication gives suggestions of how churches and other organizations around the world can respond to the climate emergency through investment decisions that are crucial to protect children from global warming. Contains updated tables and reports.

The third edition was published in August 2022 and is available here

Cooler Earth – Higher Benefits Second Edition

Actions by those who care about children, climate and finance
Frederique Seidel
Emmanuel de Martel

The second edition of this publication gives suggestions of how churches and other organizations around the world can respond to the climate emergency through investment decisions that are crucial to protect children from global warming. Contains updated tables and reports.

The third edition was published in August 2022 and is available here

La délégation du COE en visite au Centre d’aide humanitaire à Moscou et à l’Académie théologique de Serguiev Possad

En déplacement à Moscou, la délégation du Conseil œcuménique des Églises (COE) s’est rendue au Centre d’aide humanitaire, une initiative ecclésiale lancée en mars 2022 après l’éclatement de la guerre en Ukraine. La plupart des réfugié-e-s ukrainien-ne-s qui arrivent à Moscou ont des ami-e-s ou des proches dans la capitale russe. Or, leurs besoins n’en demeurent pas moins importants. Chaque jour, ce sont près de 500 personnes qui se rendent au centre de réfugié-e-s. Au centre d’accueil des personnes réfugiées, ces dernières reçoivent des produits de première nécessité, des aliments de base, des produits d’hygiène personnelle et, si elles ont des enfants, le nécessaire pour eux. Nombreuses sont les personnes arrivant à ce centre d’accueil qui souffrent de troubles psychologiques et d’expériences traumatisantes. Un premier traitement leur est proposé avant de les référer à des professionnel-le-s.

WCC delegation visits Humanitarian Aid Center in Moscow and Theological Academy in Sergiev Posad

During its travels in Moscow, a World Council of Churches (WCC) delegation visited the Humanitarian Aid Center, a church initiative which started in March 2022, after the beginning of the war in Ukraine. Most of the refugees from Ukraine who arrive in Moscow have friends or relatives in the Russian capital. Nevertheless, their need is great. Around 500 people knock at the door of the Refugee Centre every day. At the refugee drop-in centre, they receive daily necessities, basic food, products for personal hygiene and, if they do have children, the necessary basic equipment for them. Many of the people who come to the drop-in centre suffer from psychological problems and traumatic experiences. After initial treatment, they are referred to professionals.

Un panel œcuménique se penche sur les moyens de préconiser une nouvelle architecture financière et économique internationale

Du 11 au 13 octobre, des experts en finance, en économie, en sociologie et en théologie du Conseil œcuménique des Églises (COE), de la Communion mondiale d’Églises réformées, de la Fédération luthérienne mondiale et du Conseil pour la mission mondiale se sont réunis à Bali, en Indonésie, pour la cinquième réunion du groupe de travail sur une Nouvelle architecture financière et économique internationale.

Un panel ecuménico examina las maneras de promover una arquitectura financiera y económica internacional renovada

Del 11 al 13 de octubre, expertos y expertas en finanzas, economía, sociología y teología del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI), la Comunión Mundial de Iglesias Reformadas, la Federación Luterana Mundial y el Consejo para la Misión Mundial se reunieron en Bali (Indonesia) para celebrar la quinta reunión del grupo de trabajo sobre una Nueva arquitectura financiera y económica internacional.