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Spiritueller Online-Dialog erfüllt wachsenden Bedarf

In Zeiten erzwungener Isolation aufgrund der Lockdowns, die infolge der COVID-19-Pandemie erforderlich wurden, haben sich ökumenische Online-Retreats als alternative Orte für den spirituellen Dialog etabliert. In Schweden wurde am Tag vor Pfingsten eine Reihe von so genannten „Stillen Tagen“ angeboten. Die Teilnehmenden hatten hier die Gelegenheit, sich virtuell in einem digitalen Raum zu versammeln und gemeinsam eine Zeit der stillen Einkehr und Reflexion zu erleben. Bereits im vergangenen Jahr von der lutherischen Bischöfin Karin Johannesson von der Diözese Uppsala, Schweden unter Mitwirkung von Kardinal Anders Arborelius von der römisch-katholischen Kirche Schwedens unter der Bezeichnung „Eine spirituelle Wohnung für Gott“ auf den Weg gebracht, wurden diese Retreats dieses Jahr um englische Untertitel erweitert, um sie auch für ein internationales Publikum interessant zu machen.    

Online spiritual dialogue fulfils growing needs

In times of involuntary isolation due to lockdowns caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, online ecumenical retreats have emerged as an alternative place for spiritual dialogue. In Sweden, a series of four so-called “Quiet Days” retreats, where participants join online in a digital room to share a moment of stillness and reflection, were launched on the Eve of Pentecost. Initiated already last year under the headline “A spiritual dwelling for God,” by Lutheran Bishop Karin Johannesson from the Diocese of Uppsala, Sweden and co-hosted by Cardinal Anders Arborelius from the Roman Catholic Church in Sweden, the retreats have been expanded this year with English subtitles to also attract international audiences.  

Der geschäftsführende ÖRK-Generalsekretär spricht über den Bau von Brücken, die zum Frieden beitragen

Der geschäftsführende Generalsekretär des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK), Priester Prof. Dr. Ioan Sauca, äußert seine Gedanken anlässlich der Entgegennahme des Bridge Builder Awards, den er für den Bau von Brücken der Verständigung zwischen Menschen, Nationen und Gemeinschaften auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene erhalten hat. Diese Auszeichnung wird am 14. August von der Jury des „14th August Committee Norway“ und dem Oslo Center überreicht.

WCC honored with Bridge Builder Award 2021

The World Council of Churches (WCC) is receiving a Bridge Builder Award for building bridges of understanding between people, nations, and communities at national and international levels. The award is presented by the Jury of the 14th August Committee Norway together with The Oslo Center.

ÖRK mit „Bridge Builder Award 2021“ ausgezeichnet

Für das Bauen von Brücken der Verständigung zwischen Menschen, Nationen und Gemeinschaften auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene wird der Ökumenische Rat der Kirchen (ÖRK) mit dem diesjährigen „Bridge Builder Award“ ausgezeichnet, der von der Jury des „14th August Committee Norway“ zusammen mit dem Oslo Center verliehen wird.

Celebrating Charta Oecumenica, heed Paul's words, European churches’ head urges

If the historic ecumenical document, the Charta Oecumenica, signed 20 years ago, is to hold its relevance for another two decades and beyond, Christians need to continue heeding Paul's letter to the Galatians (3:28). That is the opinion of Dr Jørgen Skov Sørensen, general secretary of the Conference of European Churches, who was teaching in an ecumenical community in Birmingham, UK, at the now-disbanded Selly Oak Colleges, at the United College of the Ascension when the charter was signed in 2001.

As goodwill ambassador, Rev. Martina Viktorie Kopecka breathes fresh spirit into reconciliation in Czech Republic

Rev. Martina Viktorie Kopecka, a priest in the Czechoslovak Hussite Church, is moderator of the World Council of Churches (WCC) ECHOS Commission for young people. She also serves on the WCC executive and central committees. In February, she was named a goodwill ambassador by H. E. Tomáš Petříček, minister of foreign affairs of the Czech Republic, a role she will serve for one year. Below, she reflects on her hopes and plans for sharing stories from the Czech Republic with the world, bridging divides in her home country, and, ultimately, bringing about new expressions of Christian love.

World Council of Churches assembly theme urges an “ecumenism of the heart”

In a world crying out for justice and peace, the theme of the 2022 assembly of the World Council of Churches (WCC), “Christ’s love moves the world to reconciliation and unity,” speaks of hope for a future in which resources are shared, inequalities are addressed and all can enjoy dignity, according to a new publication reflecting on the assembly theme.

Driven by God’s grace and a sense of duty

When Rev. Dr Antje Jackelén became its first female archbishop in 2014, a major milestone was reached in the history of the Church of Sweden. It took 850 years and 69 male predecessors to get there. Jackelén also happens to be the first immigrant, at least in modern times, to occupy the highest chair of her church. That, however, she regards as a coincidence of lesser significance. For her, as a devoted Christian, the baptism matters more than the passport.