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La reunión del Comité Central del CMI se centrará en la estrategia posterior a la Asamblea para ayudar al mundo a sanar

El Comité Central del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI) se reunirá del 21 al 27 de junio por primera vez desde que el órgano rector fue elegido por la 11a Asamblea del CMI en 2022. La reunión se centrará principalmente en las estrategias y las medidas concretas para lograr los objetivos fijados por la Asamblea. A tal efecto, es fundamental traducir las prioridades en acciones en todas las áreas programáticas y seguir fortaleciendo la influencia del CMI en los asuntos mundiales en un espíritu de peregrinación, reconciliación y unidad.

WCC central committee will gather, focus on post-assembly strategy to help the world heal

The World Council of Churches (WCC) central committee will meet 21-27 June in its first meeting since the governing body was elected at the WCC 11th Assembly in 2022. The group will predominately focus on strategies and concrete measures for achieving goals staked out by the assembly. Turning priorities into actions in all programmatic areas and further strengthening the WCCs influence on world affairs in a spirit of pilgrimage, reconciliation, and unity, are key objectives.

WCC moderator speaks on ethical considerations in light of the war of aggression against Ukraine

World Council of Churches central committee moderator Bishop Dr Heinrich Bedford-Strohm delivered a lecture at the Kitzingen deanery, a regional church district near Würzburg, for the parishes of the deanery as well as for the public. The lecture, entitled Just Peace through Military Force? Peace Ethical Considerations in Light of the War of Aggression against Ukraine,” was offered on 29 April