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WCC mourns loss of Dr William Stanley, who pursued economic justice

The World Council of Churches (WCC) is mourning the loss of Dr William Stanley, who passed away on 11 December. Stanley contributed to the WCCs work on economic and ecological justice especially during the period between the WCC 8th Assembly in Harare in 1998 and WCC 10th Assembly in Busan in 2013. 

Financiadores, administradores de activos, desarrolladores e iglesias se proponen tender puentes entre la religión y las inversiones

Tender puentes entre la religión y los negocios con la cooperación de los diferentes grupos fue el tema central de una reciente conferencia de dos días celebrada en Ginebra. Fue una reunión poco común de personas como administradores de activos y clérigos, y la clave para el éxito fue explorar la manera de colaborar para obtener resultados basándose en los principios cristianos.

Network of Christian entrepreneurs commits to faith in business

Leaders from more than 20 international and national associations of Christian entrepreneurs from 60 countries and diverse Christian traditions gathered at the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva from 22-23 January for a conference titled, “Faith-based Entrepreneurs: Stronger Together.”

Primate visit, panel on Christianity and human rights in multi-faith Nigeria

On 29 January 2018, the WCC invites media to a public panel discussion on “Christianity and human rights in multi-faith Nigeria”, hosted at the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva at 14.00-15.30. The event is followed by a press briefing. The event forms part of a visit to Geneva by His Holiness Pope Dr Rufus Okikiola Ositelu, Primate and Metropolitan Archbishop of the Church of The Lord (Prayer Fellowship) Worldwide, and will feature a discussion on current challenges for Christianity in Nigeria and Africa as a whole, as well as how churches address human rights violations in a multi-faith context.

Youth eco-justice efforts expand

Youth engagement in eco-justice is expanding in scope and sophistication, says Marcelo Leites, Latin American and Caribbean regional secretary for the World Student Christian Federation (WSCF).

Altmann affirms signs of hope in the ecumenical movement

"The WCC can be and still is prophetic today,"€ said the Rev. Dr Walter Altmann, moderator of the World Council of Churches (WCC) Central Committee, reflecting on highs and lows in the ecumenical movement and on the identity of the WCC.

WCC forum issues a call to promote “economy of life”

On 22 June, the World Council of Churches (WCC) Global Forum on Poverty, Wealth and Ecology concluded with a strong call for action to evolve “transformative congregations” with moral courage to build an “economy of life” that focuses on er adicating poverty, challenging wealth accumulation and safeguarding ecological integrity.