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Faith-based organisations to COP27: “We bring narratives that demand us all to act with justice”

“COP27 is a critical occasion for governments to together re-envision, develop, commit to and implement a roadmap towards a fossil fuel-free, post-growth, equitable and sustainable tomorrow,” said Bishop Arnold Temple of the Methodist Church in Sierra Leone, representing the interfaith liaison group, to the High-Level Ministerial Segment of the 27th Session of Conference of the Parties (COP27).

ÖRK ruft zum Schutz des Amazonas auf

„Der Amazonas, die grüne Lunge der Erde, ist in Trauer, und das von ihm erhaltene Leben verdorrt“ – so beginnt eine vom Exekutivausschuss des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen auf seiner Tagung in Amman abgegebene Erklärung.

Protect the Amazon, urges WCC statement

“The Amazon, the green heart of the Earth, is mourning and the life it sustains is withering,” begins a statement released by the World Council of Churches Executive Committee as it met in Amman, Jordan from 17-23 November.

Una declaración del CMI insta a proteger el Amazonas

“El Amazonas, el corazón verde de la Tierra, está de luto y la vida que conserva se está marchitando”, empieza diciendo una declaración emitida por el Comité Ejecutivo del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias durante su reunión en Ammán (Jordania), del 17 al 23 de noviembre.

Une déclaration du COE exhorte à protéger l'Amazonie

«L'Amazonie, le cœur vert de la Terre, pleure et la vie qu'elle entretient dépérit»: c'est par ces mots que commence une déclaration publiée par le Comité exécutif du Conseil œcuménique des Églises à l'occasion de sa réunion à Amman, en Jordanie, du 17 au 23 novembre.

"Protejam a Amazônia", exorta declaração do CMI

"A Amazônia, o coração verde da Terra, está de luto e a vida que ela sustenta está murchando", afirma um comunicado divulgado pelo Comitê Executivo do Conselho Mundial de Igrejas, que se reuniu em Amã, Jordânia, de 17 a 23 de novembro.

Church leaders in New Zealand and WCC address climate change with key politicians

The general secretary of the World Council of Churches (WCC), Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit, met with church leaders and politicians in Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand last week. The meeting occurred almost one year after his latest visit to the region. On request of the church leaders a meeting took place with political leaders to discuss follow-up on the Paris Agreement, peace in the Middle East and on the Korean Peninsula, and the challenges the region is facing.