Displaying 61 - 80 of 399

Study trip to Rome testifies that ecumenical engagements can move forward

Our successful visit to Rome with various ecumenical deliberations itself testifies that ecumenical engagements can move forward despite the pandemic. The launch of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity document “Ecumenism in a Time of Pandemic: From Crisis to Opportunity,” followed by an ecumenical panel discussion, helped us to understand how different churches have approached the pandemic. 

Bossey students embark on study visit to Rome

Students from the World Council of Churches (WCC) Bossey Ecumenical Institute began an 8-day study visit to Rome on 20 January, with a full programme that includes lectures, a tour of the Vatican, and opportunities to interact with leaders from the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity.

Applications open anew for Bossey online course in ecumenism

Following a successful pilot project in the spring of 2021, the Ecumenical Institute at Bossey is inviting applications for a renewed version of the 10-week online course entitled Together Towards Unity. Being Church in a Fragmented World” in 2022.

Prof. Rev. Dr Simone Sinn prays that Bossey students “share the treasure of transformative experience”

Prof. Rev. Dr Simone Sinn began serving as academic dean at the Bossey Ecumenical Institute in August. Prior to that, Dr Sinn served as vice dean and professor of Ecumenical Theology. Below, Dr Sinn shares reflections on the new role, on hopes for students and on how the Bossey Ecumenical Institute will remain a bridge builder amid the world’s serious challenges today.

Bossey students reflect on the question: “Is racism a faith question?”


Dies Academicus,” is a special annual gathering at the World Council of Churches (WCC) Bossey Ecumenical institute. This academic years installment took place on 4 November. The current cohort of  33 students from 20 countries listened to a panel of four speakers who shared reflections  on the theme, Is racism a faith question?” The panel reaffirmed the WCC 4th Assembly held in Uppsala, which declared racism as sin.