Below, she reflects on some highlights from the visit.
What did you newly learn about ecumenism?
Rev. Jansson: I have learned more than before, how we are interconnected with each other. The pandemic has been affecting all of us in various ways. The pandemic is also showing us the inequality in the world, for instance, the accessibility to vaccination. Studying together with people coming from all over the world has made this more visible to me.
What resonated for you amid the visit to the Vatican?
Rev. Jansson: During our stay in Rome, we got the chance to visit many different parts of the Vatican. Through the visit, I have a deeper understanding of the Catholic Church. I was impressed by the work that Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity does in the area of Christian unity and the work that the Vatican does in interreligious dialogue. During the visit, we heard both about the struggles and difficulties in dialogue but also the learning and deeper understanding in the encounters between churches in moving towards unity.
Bossey students and faculty together with WCC acting general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Ioan Sauca meet with Pope Francis in Rome, January 2022.
Was there any particular lecture or meeting that deeply resonated with you?
Rev. Jansson: One meeting during our stay was with the Focolare movement, an ecumenical lay movement founded by Chiara Lubich. I was impressed and deeply moved by how this young woman felt the longing for unity and how Focolare is continuing this work and living for unity in our time.
Bossey sees new generation of students graduate, celebrating the experience of ‘a school of life’ (WCC press release of 28 January 2022)
COVID-19 brought “openness to being transformed ourselves,” WCC acting general secretary reflects (WCC press release of 20 January 2022)
Bossey students embark on study visit to Rome (WCC press release of 21 January 2022)