Displaying 141 - 160 of 346

Should churches push harder to resist untruths? Yes, say digital justice thinkers

If digital social justice begins with connectivity, perhaps it ends when that connectivity is usurped by oppressive regimes, extremists, fake news and hate speech. A press club”-style conversation on 13 September found theologians, politicians, church communicators, activists and journalists from around the world weighing in on the short but exceedingly complex question, Digital instruments – Blessing or Curse?”

Economy’s commercial logic threatens digital justice discourse, says German church leader

Besides the dangerous monopoly structures in the digital economy, there is a danger for liberty and justice as they are crucial for pluralistic democracies in the digital world, says Dr Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria. Bedford-Strohm is also chairperson of the council of the Evangelical Church in Germany and was a keynote speaker at the opening of the symposium exploring challenges and opportunities for a more just digital future, in Berlin on 13-15 September, and co-organized by the EKD.

Prayer service will commemorate European flood victims

During an ecumenical service in Aachen Cathedral, on 28 August, Protestant and Roman Catholic churches in Germany as well as the churches affiliated to the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Christlicher Kirchen (Working Group of Christian Churches) will jointly remember and honor the victims of the floods that severely hit the region.

A Window into Eternity

(Rev. 21)

Responsive prayer written by the Presiding Bishop of the Lutheran Church of Bavaria and Chairman of the Council of the Evangelical Church in Germany

Communication for Social Justice in a Digital Age

13 - 15 September 2021

This symposium will focus on the impact of digital transformation on communities and societies, and the actions needed to secure a just and inclusive digital future. Bringing together research, experiences from different regions and communities, expert input, and ethical and theological reflection, it will identify opportunities for action as a contribution to the 11th assembly of the World Council of Churches.

Berlin and worldwide, 9-17:00 each day, CEST Timezone