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WCC extends prayers for lasting peace in Haiti

World Council of Churches general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay sent a pastoral letter to Haitian brothers and sisters whose lives are lived in a land with hatred, violence, and suffering. Although we might be physically distant, we are close to you in heart, in the spiritual sense,” wrote Pillay. We all are children of God. We belong to one family, as Jesus Christ himself said.”

During solidarity visit to Türkiye, WCC and ACT Alliance witness great needs yet great collaboration: “the churches are all working together”

After returning from a solidarity visit to Türkiye, World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay and ACT Alliance general secretary Rudelmar Bueno de Faria appear in a video interview speaking about what they saw, how churches are working together, and their unique reflections on their visit—held 4-6 April—took place during western Holy Week.

Faith-based organisations to COP27: “We bring narratives that demand us all to act with justice”

“COP27 is a critical occasion for governments to together re-envision, develop, commit to and implement a roadmap towards a fossil fuel-free, post-growth, equitable and sustainable tomorrow,” said Bishop Arnold Temple of the Methodist Church in Sierra Leone, representing the interfaith liaison group, to the High-Level Ministerial Segment of the 27th Session of Conference of the Parties (COP27).

Amazon’s grave risks exacerbated by agri-plundering, proselytizing

God’s creation groans in the Amazon forest, a sacred space for 34 million people suffering from the growth of inequality, land invasion, extractivism, relaxation of environmental laws, criminalization and murder of its defenders, and arson orchestrated by agribusiness—all of it made worse by proselytizing.

Graves riscos à Amazônia exacerbados pela agricultura predatória e pelo proselitismo

A Criação de Deus padece na Floresta Amazônica, um espaço sagrado para 34 milhões de pessoas que sofrem com o crescimento da desigualdade, invasões de terras, extrativismo, relaxamento de leis ambientais, criminalização e assassinato de seus defensores/as e incêndios criminosos orquestrados pelo agronegócio. E tudo isso vem sido exacerbado pelo proselitismo.

Is God present - even amid hurricane’s wrath?

Rev. Kelli Jolly, like many Bahamians, is used to living through the possibility of multiple hurricanes, year after year. She serves as itinerant presbyter with the Methodist Church in the Caribbean and the Americas, Bahamas/Turks and Caicos Islands District, Nassau Circuit of Churches.

Trinidad and Tobago church challenges plastic pollution

Turtles, both in the Caribbean and elsewhere, are becoming increasingly confused. Their main prey of jelly fish doesn’t taste the same nowadays and is much more difficult to digest. Often, turtles die after having ingested plastic bags they thought were jelly fish.