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Las iglesias de África acuerdan directrices para la inclusión de la discapacidad

“Tengo parálisis cerebral con cuadriplejia espástica, lo que significa que todas mis extremidades están gravemente afectadas”. A pesar de esto, mi parálisis cerebral no me define. Soy mucho más que mi parálisis cerebral”, dijo Julius Van der Wat, miembro de la Iglesia Reformada Holandesa de Pretoria (Sudáfrica), en una reciente conferencia de las iglesias sobre discapacidad celebrada en Sudáfrica.

Churches in Africa agree on guidelines for disability inclusion

I have cerebral palsy spastic quadriplegia, meaning all of my limbs are severely affected by my cerebral. However, I am not defined by my cerebral palsy. There's much more to me than my cerebral palsy,” Julius Van Der Wat, a member of the Dutch Reformed Church in Pretoria, South Africa, told a recent churches’ disability conference in South Africa.

Women’s wellness and mental health as part of the mission of the church – a wounded healer’s balm

I received a call from a friend of mine - we both work as medical doctors and had earlier realised that our husbands, who are ministers in the Methodist Church of Southern Africa, had been friends for years —this is one of the reasons that drew us to each other.  She had been attending the February meeting of the Methodist Womens Prayer and Service Union (Manyano), Connexional Extended Executive Meeting. My friend said that the general president, Gretta Makhwenkwe, had appointed us to the Wellness Committee.

Rev. Frank Chikane: “No es posible crear unidad en detrimento de la justicia”

Mientras el Rev. Frank Chikane dirigió el Consejo Sudafricano de Iglesias (SACC, por sus siglas en inglés) en su denuncia de las injusticias del sistema del apartheid, la organización no cejó en sus esfuerzos, ni siquiera después del atentado que redujo su sede a escombros en los años ochenta. Moderador de la Comisión de las Iglesias para Asuntos Internacionales (CIAI) del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI) desde 2016, el Rev. Chikane ha denunciado injusticias en múltiples lugares del mundo. El departamento de comunicación del CMI le pidió que volviera la vista atrás sobre su mandato en la CIAI y sobre el constante llamado de las iglesias a poner fin a las injusticias que afectan hoy al mundo.

Rev. Frank Chikane: “You can’t do unity at the expense of justice”

When Rev. Frank Chikane was leading the South African Council of Churches in calling out injustices of the apartheid system, their work did not stop even after the council’s office building was bombed to the ground in 1980s. Moderating the Commission of the Churches on International Affairs of the World Council of Churches (WCC) since 2016, Rev. Chikane has been engaged in addressing injustices in many parts of the world. WCC Communication asked Rev. Chikane to look back at his term at the commission and the ongoing calling of churches to address injustices in the world today.

Desmond Tutu turns 90 with an outpouring of love from the world

Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu, one of South Africa's most famous persons, has turned 90 with a Eucharist service celebration at Cape Town's St George's Cathedral, receiving an outpouring of love from around the world. Tutu made a rare public appearance on 7 October at the iconic Cape Town cathedral, the site of prayers and protests during the apartheid era, where he attended a special thanksgiving service.

Un servicio conmemorativo rinde homenaje a la difunta Rev. Prof. Dra. Mary-Anne Plaatjies-van Huffel, “una dirigente pionera y visionaria”

Familiares, amigos, colegas y estudiantes de la Rev. Prof. Dra. Mary-Anne Plaatjies-van Huffel participaron en un servicio conmemorativo virtual en su honor en el que lamentaron el fallecimiento de la presidenta del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI) para África. Plaatjies van Huffel, conocida como una líder eclesial transformadora en el África subsahariana, falleció el 19 de mayo.