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ÖRK-Exekutivausschuss bittet um Unterstützung und Weggemeinschaft mit Kirchen und Menschen im Sudan

In einer öffentlichen Erklärung versicherte der Exekutivausschuss des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK) die Kirchen im Sudan seiner Unterstützung für ihr Zeugnis und ihren Dienst. Weiterhin begrüßte er darin den gemeinsam vom ÖRK, der Gesamtafrikanischen Kirchenkonferenz und der Gemeinschaft Christlicher Räte und Kirchen in der Region der Großen Seen und des Horns von Afrika unternommenen ökumenischen Solidaritätsbesuch im Sudan vom 20. bis 25. April 2022.

WCC executive committee urges “support and accompaniment to the churches and people of Sudan”

In a statement, the World Council of Churches (WCC) executive committee affirmed its support for the churches of Sudan in their witness and ministry. The statement welcomed an ecumenical solidarity visit to Sudan on 20-25 April undertaken jointly by the WCC, All Africa Conference of Churches, and Fellowship of Christian Councils and Churches in the Great Lakes and the Horn of Africa.

Why theology must occupy social media

I see five imperatives for theologians (prophetic, pastoral and priestly), to occupy the social media space, which is currently dominated by politics (politricks), business (including profiteers), entertainers (artists, sports, etc.), economists, lawyers, etc.

COVID and the challenge of holistic humanity

While traveling from the border of South Sudan on a remote dirt road toward the Ugandan town of Kitgum, my companion and I were flagged down by two men. They were carrying their paralyzed friend to Kitgum Hospital and asked if we would give them a lift. Routine as the question may seem, the choice was not an easy one.  The year was 2007, and while the Lord’s Resistance Army had been mainly cleared out, sympathizers remained, and picking up travelers was risky. Pietro, the South Sudan country director who was traveling with me, turned and said, “You’re the logistics officer, what do we do?”

Pacific Conference of Churches on “the new normal”

In a 5 May message entitled “The Story of our Pacific Household in the ‘New Normal,’ ” the Pacific Conference of Churches acknowledges those risking their lives to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and expressed condolences to those who have lost loved ones.

Kirchenleitende im Südsudan begrüßen Bildung von neuem Kabinett

Südsudanesische Kirchenleitende begrüßten die Bildung eines neuen Kabinetts, das am 12. März von Präsident Salva Kiir Mayardit vorgestellt wurde.

Die Bekanntmachung des Kabinetts beendete ein monatelanges ängstliches Warten auf eine neue Einheitsregierung, die 2018 durch ein Friedensabkommen (Revitalised Agreement for the Resolution of Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan) angeordnet worden war. Die Regierung besteht aus 34 Ministerinnen und Ministern sowie 10 Stellvertreterinnen und Stellvertretern.

South Sudan Church leaders welcome new cabinet

South Sudanese church leaders have welcomed a new cabinet, which the country’s president Salva Kiir Mayardit announced on 12 March.

The unveiling of the cabinet ended months of anxious waiting for a new unity government which was mandated by a 2018 peace pact, known as the Revitalised Agreement for the Resolution of Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan. The government has 34 ministers and 10 deputies.

Das Ökumenische Wassernetzwerk des ÖRK fordert zu einem Pilgerweg der Wassergerechtigkeit in der Pazifik-Region auf

Die Auftaktveranstaltung des Fastenzeit-Kampagne „Sieben Wochen im Zeichen des Wassers“ fand am 21. Januar in Suva, Fidschi mit dem Thema „Ein Pilgerweg der Wassergerechtigkeit in der Pazifik-Region“ statt. 2020 hat der Pilgerweg der Gerechtigkeit und des Friedens des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK) einen regionalen Schwerpunkt in der Pazifik-Region.

Islands of hope: Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace focuses on Pacific region

“The Pacific Conference of Churches welcomes you on board our ecumenical canoe, as we sail and voyage together beyond the fringing reefs and rocks of the many issues that affect us here in the Pacific and globally, and set sail with our eyes firmly fixed on the island of hope,” said Rev. Dr James Bhagwan, Pacific Conference of Churches general secretary as he welcomed participants of the World Council of Churches (WCC) Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace to Fiji, on 20 January.

Junge Menschen in Afrika sind bereit, Herausforderungen zu meistern

Junge afrikanische Geistliche, Theologinnen und Theologen sowie Laien sind bereit, die herausfordernden Problem ihres Kontinents und der Welt in Angriff zu nehmen. Dies ging aus einem kürzlich vom Ökumenischen Rat der Kirchen (ÖRK) in Partnerschaft mit der Gesamtafrikanischen Kirchenkonferenz (AACC) durchgeführten Aufsatzwettbewerb für Autorinnen und Autoren unter 35 Jahren hervor.

Young Africans are eager to grapple with challenges

Young African clergy, theologians and laypersons are eager to engage with the challenging issues facing their continent and the world. This became clear in a recent essay competition for authors below 35 years by the World Council of Churches (WCC) in partnership with the All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC).

South Sudan Council of Churches: peace “is a question of the heart”

A message released 9 November from the South Sudan Council of Churches reflected that the will for peace is not measured only by deadlines and technical arrangements. “Whether the government is formed on 12th November 2019 or a further extension is agreed, it is a question of the heart and of the political will,” the message reads. “The people of South Sudan have begged their political leaders to find a peaceful way forward, to look beyond political interest, emotional turmoil and historical grievances, and to hold their duty towards the people of the country as a sacred calling which is to be gravely cherished in holy servitude and with deep respect.”