Displaying 81 - 100 of 1783

"ماما شمسا": "مارس الإنسانية" لتغذية الروح

امرأة تعمل مع الشباب في كينيا – وهم شباب تحولوا ذات مرة إلى ارتكاب جرائم شنيعة - جعلت مجموعة من الشباب المسيحيين واليهود والمسلمين يذرفون دموع الرحمة والفرح وهي تروي نشأتها الصعبة وكيف ساعدت في تحويل هؤلاء الشباب من الجريمة إلى المجتمع.

Media invited to attend Emerging Peacemakers Forum graduation ceremony

Media are invited to attend the graduation ceremony of the Emerging Peacemakers Forum on 13 July in the Main Hall of the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva. The forum, organized in partnership between the Muslim Council of Elders, the World Council of Churches (WCC), and the Rose Castle Foundation, includes 50 young people from 24 countries.

ينعقد منتدى شباب صناع السلام في المعهد المسكوني التابع لمجلس الكنائس العالمي في بوسي

يستضيف مجلس الكنائس العالمي ومجلس حكماء المسلمين ومؤسسة "روز كاسل"(Rose Castle) منتدى شباب صناع السلام خلال الفترة من 5 - 14 تموز/يوليو في المعهد المسكوني التابع لمجلس الكنائس العالمي في بوسي، فرنسا، بمشاركة 50 شاباً وشابة يعملون في المجتمع المدني والمنظمات الدولية أو للأشخاص المؤثرين في مجتمعاتهم.

Emerging Peacemakers Forum to convene at WCC Ecumenical Institute at Bossey

The World Council of Churches (WCC), the Muslim Council of Elders, and Rose Castle Foundation will host an Emerging Peacemakers Forum on 5-14 July for 50 young men and women working in civil society and international organizations, or for influential people in their societies, at the Ecumenical Institute at Bossey.

Replace Korean War Armistice Agreement with peace treaty, WCC urges

The 70-year-old War Armistice Agreement should be replaced with a peace treaty, urged the World Council of Churches (WCC) central committee in a public statement. In a time of renewed escalation of tensions and confrontation on the Korean Peninsula, we recall that this year marks the 70th anniversary of the 1953 Armistice Agreement which established a ceasefire, but not a formal end, to the Korean War,” reads the text. We pray for peace and dialogue to end this dangerous cycle, and for denuclearization not only of the Korean Peninsula but of the entire world.”

Під час молитви в Бучі «ми чуємо крики розпачу»

Під час візиту в Україну делегації керівництва Всесвітньої ради церков (ВРЦ) в Бучі, що на околиці Києва, 12 травня відбувся спільний молебен. Богослужіння, яке провели керівники ВРЦ, генеральний секретар ВРЦ преподобний проф. д-р Джеррі Піллей, голова центрального комітету ВРЦ єпископ Генріх Бедфорд-Штром та архієпископ Вікен Айказян за участю членів Всеукраїнської Ради Церков і релігійних організацій (ВРЦіРО), відбулося в храмі святого апостола Андрія Первозванного в Бучі. 

During prayer in Bucha, Ukraine, “we hear the cries of despair”

During the World Council of Churches (WCC) leadership delegation visit to Ukraine in May, an ecumenical prayer service was held in Bucha, on the outskirts of Kyiv, on 12 May. The service, led by the WCC leadership, WCC general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay, WCC moderator Bishop Heinrich Bedford-Strohm and Archbishop Vicken Aykazian, with participation of members of the Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations (UCCRO), took place at St Andrew Orthodox Church in Bucha.

Weaving the web of peace and justice: a journey for reconciliation in the Korean Peninsula

In an exclusive interview, a prominent figure in the field of peace and justice, the former general secretary of National Council of Churches in Korea and former executive secretary for the Christian Conference of Asia, Rev. Hong-Jung Lee, shared insights into his journey and experiences working towards peace and justice in the Korean Peninsula. Drawing on his extensive experience and involvement in various ecumenical organizations, he shed light on the importance of healing, reconciliation, and the role of churches and Christians in advancing peace in Korea.

WCC moderator speaks on ethical considerations in light of the war of aggression against Ukraine

World Council of Churches central committee moderator Bishop Dr Heinrich Bedford-Strohm delivered a lecture at the Kitzingen deanery, a regional church district near Würzburg, for the parishes of the deanery as well as for the public. The lecture, entitled Just Peace through Military Force? Peace Ethical Considerations in Light of the War of Aggression against Ukraine,” was offered on 29 April