Displaying 101 - 120 of 218

Because God Loves Me - Affirming My Value in Christ

“Because God Loves Me—Affirming My Value in Christ,” a new curriculum written in French that is designed to help children ages 7-12 address gender-based violence.

Though the curriculum, edited by Yvette A. Kelem and Blandine E. Ackla, was developed for use primarily with churches and church groups in Africa, it is relevant and accessible for other French-speaking populations as well.

The Christian education programme encourages the full involvement of children, adolescents and youth in becoming early proponents of nonviolence. Developed for children's Bible study leaders, teachers, parish volunteers, and others who work with children, the curriculum serves as a guide to help churches live into their responsibility to protect all children, girls and women from gender-based violence.

Parce Que Dieu M’aime - Affirmer Ma Valeur En Christ

Un programme d’éducation chrétienne contre la violence basée sur le genre

La violence continue de se propager dans nos sociétés non seulement chez les adultes mais également chez les enfants, les adolescents et les jeunes. Cet outil pédagogique, basé sur une méthodologie ludique et une approche participative est mis à la disposition des moniteurs et monitrices pour aider au développement des relations de confiance entre les enfants et pour faire d'eux des acteurs essentiels.

Online global prayer for the Holy Land

20 May 2021

The World Council of Churches (WCC) executive committee is inviting the ecumenical fellowship and all people of good will to join in a live-streamed prayer for the Holy Land on 20 May at 16:30 CET.


Mediation as a tool for conflict resolution in churches and religious communities: Online training seminar

23 August 2021

Representatives of churches and religious communities will participate in the international online training “Mediation as a tool for conflict resolution in churches and (religious) communities in the context of shrinking spaces for civil society and churches”, organized by the United Evangelical Mission (UEM) in partnership with the Word Council of Churches.


Easter Initiative 2021

28 March - 02 May 2021

An Easter initiative by the World Council of Churches Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel (WCC-EAPPI) sets out to connect the Biblical narrative with current realities in Palestine and Israel, to spotlight the injustices of life under occupation.


7e symposium annuel sur le rôle de la religion et des organisations d’inspiration religieuse dans les affaires internationales

26 January 2021

Un symposium organisé prochainement abordera le thème «2021: une année décisive pour accélérer vers l’équité, la justice et l’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes». Prévu le 26 janvier prochain, il s’agira du 7e symposium annuel sur le rôle de la religion et des organisations d’inspiration religieuse dans les affaires internationales.


7. Jährliches Symposium zur Rolle von Religion und Organisationen, die aus dem Glauben heraus handeln, in internationalen Angelegenheiten

26 January 2021

Ein in Kürze anstehendes Symposium wird sich mit dem Thema „2021 – ein entscheidendes Jahr für die forcierte Umsetzung einer Gleichstellung und Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter und von Gendergerechtigkeit“ beschäftigen. Die für den 26. Januar geplante Veranstaltung ist das 7. Jährliche Symposium zur Rolle von Religion und Organisationen, die aus dem Glauben heraus handeln, in internationalen Angelegenheiten.


A Faith Imperative for Human Rights

10 December 2020

On Human Rights Day, this webinar aims to surface the potential tension between faith and human rights, and engage in an open and positive conversation. Is there a contradiction between religion and human rights?


16 Days against Sexual and Gender-Based Violence

25 November - 10 December 2023

The 16 Days Against Gender-Based Violence is an annual international campaign that begins on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and ends on 10 December, Human Rights Day.


Climate Justice with and for Children and Youth in Churches

Get Informed, Get Inspired, Take Action
Research & Coordination: Frederique Seidel
Research assistant: Virág Kinga Mezei

This toolkit provides resources for churches, church-run schools, and summer camps to support intergenerational climate and environmental justice and promote care for children by stopping further global warming. All churches are encouraged to promote education and action to address climate change, reduce CO2 emissions, and protect the environment in their activities for and with children and youth.

Cooler Earth - Higher Benefits

Actions by those who care about children, climate and finance.
Frederique Seidel
Emmanuel de Martel

The publication gives suggestions of how churches and other organizations around the world can respond to the climate emergency through investment decisions that are crucial to protect children from global warming.

A second edition was published in July 2021. You can access it here.

Webinar - “People on the Move: Solidarity and Advocacy”

12 November 2020

A 12 November webinar entitled “People on the Move: Solidarity and Advocacy” will highlight the experiences and often untold stories of refugees, stateless persons, seasonal and migrant workers, and undocumented persons, with a particular focus on ways they have been affected by COVID-19.
