Displaying 241 - 260 of 1022

Climate change in Switzerland

It seems strange to put Switzerland in a line with other countries affected by climate change: not because we don’t suffer from climate change as well but because we, as Swiss people, should be very aware of how our problems stand in relation to our wealth.

Prayer service will commemorate European flood victims

During an ecumenical service in Aachen Cathedral, on 28 August, Protestant and Roman Catholic churches in Germany as well as the churches affiliated to the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Christlicher Kirchen (Working Group of Christian Churches) will jointly remember and honor the victims of the floods that severely hit the region.

Can we end our societal addiction to fossil fuels?

Rev. Henrik Grape is senior advisor on Care for Creation, Sustainability, and Climate Justice for the World Council of Churches (WCC). He reflects below on the recently released report from the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Grape is a member of the WCC delegation that will attend the UN climate talks (COP26) in Glasgow.

Nach Veröffentlichung des UN-Berichts zum Klimawandel weist der ÖRK nachdrücklich darauf hin, dass „die Zeichen der Zeit noch nie deutlicher waren“

Während die Menschen in zahlreichen Regionen unter den Auswirkungen der alle Rekorde brechenden Hitzewellen, verheerenden Waldbrände und extremen Überschwemmungen leiden, hat der stellvertretende Generalsekretär des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen, Pastor Dr. Odair Pedroso Mateus, die Leidtragenden in seine Gebete eingeschlossen und fordert angesichts der jüngsten wissenschaftlichen Beweise für den Anstieg der globalen Temperaturen dringend Gegenmaßnahmen.