The Department of Ecological Concerns of the Church of South India has been organising virtual classes with resource persons for clergy, students and teachers to develop a strong theological and theoretical foundation in climate resilience.
Participants are encouraged to practise carbon neutrality, mitigation and adaption. Students are challenged to apply these lessons in their homes, paving the way to community transformation.
‘We are at a critical moment in history,” stated Dr Mathew Koshy Punnackad as the campaign began. “The clock is ticking on climate action.”
Many regions across the world have seen record-breaking heatwaves, wildfires, extreme flooding and other disasters. “For a brighter future for our children and grandchildren, we have to act now,” said Punnackad. “We encourage the active participation of all people of goodwill through prayer, partnership, and involvement, which will help humanity to return to an eco-friendly lifestyle.”
The Church of South India is empowering congregations to take a prophetic stand against climate injustice, added Punnackad. “As a church community, we believe that God creates all life on earth,” he said. “As a part of our Christian faith and discipleship, we have to ensure the protection of the environment, and the sustainable and equitable use of resources.”
The campaign’s goal is to build 23 climate resilient communities or schools in South India.
“We will need both mitigation and adaptation to surmount the enormous challenge of climate change,” concluded Punnackad.
Speaking during a session on oceans and climate change held on 10 August, Dinesh Suna, coordinator of the World Council of Churches Ecumenical Water Network, congratulated CSI on the initiative.
Drawing attention of about 200 students, Suna said that the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report released on 9 August unequivocally holds humans responsible for the warming of the planet resulting in climate change.