Displaying 21 - 40 of 112

L’unité est essentielle face aux nouveaux défis de la crise sanitaire en Asie

La pandémie de COVID-19 s’éloigne peu à peu, mais ses profondes répercussions sur la vie des populations, elles, persistent à travers l’Asie et dans le reste du monde. Aux souffrances et pertes tragiques de vies humaines imputées au virus viennent s’ajouter l’isolement social, la récession économique, la flambée du chômage et la hausse de la pauvreté qui minent les espoirs d’un avenir meilleur.

Unity is key when health crisis poses new challenges in Asia

As the COVID-19 pandemic slowly fades, its severe impact on people’s lives lingers on throughout Asia and the rest of the world. In addition to the sufferings and tragic losses of lives caused by the virus, hopes for a brighter future have been dimmed by social isolation, economic recession, increased unemployment and poverty.

West Papuan Council of Churches issues a 'moral call’ for their people

For the people of the Indonesian province of West Papua, human rights have significantly deteriorated throughout 2019 and 2020, as demonstrated by the latest biennial report issued by the International Coalition for Papua. In this context, the West Papuan Council of Churches issued a moral call to the international community on behalf of their people.

WCC celebrates life of Rev. Prof. Stephen Suleeman

The World Council of Churches (WCC) and the global ecumenical movement remembers the life of Rev. Prof. Stephen Suleeman, who passed away on 8 November. With deep gratitude, churches and people around the world celebrate his lifelong striving for human dignity and rights.

Le COE déplore la perte du Pasteur Soritua Albert Ernest Nababan

L’archevêque Soritua Albert Ernest Nababan, leader œcuménique au niveau international, est décédé le 8 mai à Jakarta, en Indonésie, à l'âge de 88 ans. Il a été président du Conseil œcuménique des Églises (COE) de 2006 à 2013 et a été l'ancien éphore (archevêque) de l'Église chrétienne protestante Huria Kristen Batak, la plus grande église protestante d'Indonésie et la plus grande église luthérienne d'Asie avec 4 millions de membres.

WCC mourns loss of Rev. Dr Soritua Albert Ernest Nababan

Archbishop Rev. Dr Soritua Albert Ernest Nababan, a global ecumenical leader, passed away on 8 May in Jakarta, Indonesia, at the age of 88. He was the World Council of Churches (WCC) president from 2006-2013 and served as the former Ephorus (Archbishop) of the Huria Kristen Batak Protestan, the largest Protestant church in Indonesia and the largest Lutheran church in Asia with a membership of 4 million people.

WCC condemns bombing of Makassar church in Indonesia

World Council of Churches acting general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Ioan Sauca condemned a bomb attack outside a Catholic church on Palm Sunday in the Indonesian city of Makassar that left at least 14 people wounded. Police believe two suicide bombers perished in the attack.