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Applications open anew for Bossey online course in ecumenism

Following a successful pilot project in the spring of 2021, the Ecumenical Institute at Bossey is inviting applications for a renewed version of the 10-week online course entitled Together Towards Unity. Being Church in a Fragmented World” in 2022.

Let the Waves Roar

Perspectives of Young Prophetic Voices in the Ecumenical Movement

Consultations with young people, participants in WCC events between the 10th and the 11th assemblies, and a number of church leaders have concluded that there is a need to provide an updated resource to get to know young people of today and to explore ways for the church to effectively engage the 18–30-year-old age group in the ecumenical movement.

The 17 young people whose voices are heard in these pages represent eight regions and diverse church traditions. Another three chapters have been contributed by the editors and former WCC youth department staff. The book invites all generations to discern the signs of our times and to be proactive in our response to them.

WCC invites webinar on ’Racism, Land and Food’

The World Council of Churches (WCC) invites a webinar on ’Racism, Land and Food’ to explore the intersections of food, land, and racial injustices, and discern ways to overcome the impact of racial injustice and inequity on food sovereignty.

WCC website selected for inclusion in Swiss National Library archives as resource of patrimonial importance

The World Council of Churches (WCC) website will be included in the archives of the Swiss National Library as part of a collection of websites of patrimonial importance” in Switzerland. The Swiss National Library collects specifically non-commercial websites, that are relevant to the nations heritage,” explained Anne-Emmanuelle Tankam-Tene, archivist at the WCC.

Bossey students reflect on the question: “Is racism a faith question?”


Dies Academicus,” is a special annual gathering at the World Council of Churches (WCC) Bossey Ecumenical institute. This academic years installment took place on 4 November. The current cohort of  33 students from 20 countries listened to a panel of four speakers who shared reflections  on the theme, Is racism a faith question?” The panel reaffirmed the WCC 4th Assembly held in Uppsala, which declared racism as sin.

Climate change in Switzerland

It seems strange to put Switzerland in a line with other countries affected by climate change: not because we don’t suffer from climate change as well but because we, as Swiss people, should be very aware of how our problems stand in relation to our wealth.