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La respuesta a las necesidades humanitarias en Ucrania

Cuando comenzó la invasión rusa de Ucrania a gran escala, el 24 de febrero de 2022, ya hacía ocho años que las iglesias daban respuesta a las necesidades humanitarias del país, desde la anexión de Crimea, en 2014.  Los esfuerzos de las iglesias para colmar las necesidades de las personas desplazadas por la guerra no son novedad, en cambio sí lo es la escala del fenómeno, con la sobrecogedora cifra de catorce millones de desplazados en los seis meses transcurridos desde el inicio de la invasión.

Ukraine: Auf humanitäre Bedürfnisse reagieren

Als am 24. Februar 2022 die russische Großinvasion der Ukraine begann, hatten die Kirchen bereits acht Jahre lang seit der Annexion der Krim im Jahr 2014 humanitäre Hilfe im Land geleistet. Die Arbeit, die die Kirchen durchführen, um die Bedürfnisse von Kriegsvertriebenen zu erfüllen, ist nicht neu, der Umfang hingegen ist enorm, denn in den sechs Monaten seit Beginn der Invasion wurden 14 Millionen Menschen vertrieben.

Répondre aux besoins humanitaires en Ukraine

Lorsque la Russie a lancé son invasion à grande échelle de l’Ukraine le 24 février 2022, cela faisait déjà huit ans que les Églises répondaient aux besoins humanitaires du pays, depuis l’annexion de la Crimée en 2014. L’action des Églises pour répondre aux besoins des personnes déplacées par la guerre ne date pas d’hier, mais leur ampleur est sans commune mesure face aux 14 millions de personnes déplacées au cours des six derniers mois, depuis le début de l’invasion.

Assembly workshop looked toward ending AIDS epidemic by 2030

At a workshop held at the World Council of Churches 11th Assembly, participants expressed grave concerns over the fact that, although public health experts warned about the dangers of ignoring other epidemiological efforts at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, many countries had to reshuffle critical medical resources, thereby preventing routine treatment of HIV.

Ukraine: Responding to humanitarian need

When the Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine began on February 24, 2022, churches had already been responding to humanitarian need in the country for eight years, since the annexation of Crimea in 2014.  The work being undertaken by churches in meeting the needs of those displaced by the war is not new, but the scale is staggering as 14 million people have been displaced in the six months since the invasion began.

On the ambiguities of border and our quest for unity today

In the world today, border is far from a neutral or natural notion. Depending on the context of interpretation, it evokes different thoughts and emotions. For some, it may recall an expensive wall of xenophobia. For others, it could mean a gateway to safety and refuge, or the relentless defense against hostile aggressors. As we ponder the theme “Christ’s love (re)moves borders,” we shall begin by asking: What are borders? At a time when world powers are trying to change borders by force, what does it mean for Christ’s love to (re)move borders? And, ultimately, how do we discern between ideological pacifism and true unity?

Borders and Migrants

On 20 May 2022, a group of us, 14 pilgrims from different parts of the world (Kenya, Brussels, Germany, Hong Kong, Philippines, Poland, Rome, Korea, Canada, Fiji, Australia, London, Scotland, and Geneva—a very diverse group) gathered in Palermo, Italy for a Pilgrim Team Visit on the theme of migration. 

Делегация ВСЦ–ACT посетила Россию, чтобы узнать о помощи церкви беженцам из Украины

После посещения Украины и граничащих с ней Венгрии и Румынии в середине марта 22–26 мая делегация Всемирного совета церквей (ВСЦ) и ACT Alliance прибыла с визитом в российско-украинскую пограничную зону возле Ростова-на-Дону.

Делегація ВРЦ–ACT відвідує Росію, ознайомлюючись з діями церкви у відповідь на прибуття біженців з України

Відвідавши в середині березня Україну та сусідні Угорщину й Румунію, делегація Всесвітньої Ради Церков (ВРЦ) та ACT Alliance 22–26 травня перебувала в прикордонному з Україною районі Росії поблизу Ростова-на-Дону.

WCC visit to Italy harvests examples of the churches’ unconditional support to refugees and migrants

The Central Mediterranean route is the overseas crossing from North Africa to Italy. Those migrating on this route generally aim to reach Italian shores but leave from a variety of North African countries bordering the Mediterranean. Though in past years most migrants have departed from Libya, which is a destination for migrants as well as a transit country, there is also a proportionally small but growing number of departures from Tunisia, Egypt, and Algeria.

Churches´Commission for Migrants in Europe release European church leaders’ statement on response of Europe to refugees

The Churches' Commission for Migrants in Europe - CCME released a statement that speaks about the response of Europe to refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine. The statement addresses the concerns of discriminatory treatment of non-Ukrainians and minority ethnic people in this context and the more general question that the generosity shown in recent weeks often has not been extended to those fleeing from elsewhere.

Below, Dr Torsten Moritz, general secretary at the Churches' Commission for Migrants in Europe, reflects on why church leaders requested such a statement, and what lies at the heart of some of their different inputs.