As names were read to sacred music, those watching mourned loved ones who have died and who have left a legacy of dedication to their families, their communities, and to the ecumenical movement. The names are also on a specially created section of the WCC website.
The prayer was illuminated by the theme for the upcoming WCC 11th Assembly, “Christ’s Love Moves the World to Reconciliation and Unity.”
Those gathered thanked God for the courage, vision and hard work of those who have passed away. “Eternal God, we thank you for the faithful disciples of every generation and for the communion of saints that transcends time and space,” they prayed together. “We rejoice in their wisdom, knowledge and many gifts, and their unswerving commitment to unity.”
The prayer also asked for God to help those who are living with sadness and pain, and for those lost and traumatized because of COVID-19. “As we remember those whose names we have called, we pray too for those who have died during this pandemic, for those left behind, and for those who are in mourning,” they prayed. “We pray for those who long for hope, truth and love and who are searching for you with all their hearts.”
Finally, the WCC central committee prayed for strength in the journey ahead. “We count on you, God, in time and in eternity,” the prayer concluded. “We are certain that you, God, are with us.”
Voices of Lament, Hope, and Courage: Prayers in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic