Displaying 121 - 140 of 452

En Amérique du Nord, les frontières peuvent-elles devenir des espaces partagés, même dans un contexte de racisme et de division ?

Lors d’une réunion œcuménique des responsables d’églises d’Amérique du Nord le 24 juin, les prières et les discussions ont porté sur des questions à la fois profondément douloureuses et apparemment insurmontables : le racisme, la division, la réticence à se faire vacciner, le génocide et la guerre. Mais l’espoir a fait son chemin dans le rassemblement virtuel, les participants se soutenant mutuellement pour trouver des solutions.

Arctic communities to WCC pilgrims: “We need your voice”

Lorraine Netro, who was raised in the Gwichin First Nation of Old Crow, Yukon (Canada), is part of an indigenous community—but shes also a global citizen.

Todays Arctic peoples are important members of global society,” Netro said. The survival of Arctic cultures and communities remains tied to the wildlife and landscape of the Arctic Refuge.”

International calls grow for recognizing tie between climate change, human rights

Faith-based and civill groups from around the world are amplifying their call for the UN to more formally recognize the tie between climate change and human rights. A webinar on 26 March convened by the Geneva Interfaith Forum on Climate Change, Environment and Human Rights, reiterated the need for a new position within the UN: a special rapporteur on Climate Change and Human Rights.

WCC offers prayer during Japanese peace conference

Rev. Prof. Dr Fernando Enns, on behalf of the World Council of Churches (WCC), presented a prayer in an interfaith setting during the 7th Global Interreligious Conference on Article 9 of the Japanese Peace Constitution, held 9 March in Okinawa.

Symposium to examine role of religion and the UN in working for gender equality in 2021

Senior UN staff, representatives from faith groups and members of civil society will be presenting at the 7th Annual Symposium on the Role of Religion and Faith-based Organizations in International Affairs on January 26, 2021. This year’s event will focus on “2021: A defining year for accelerating gender equality, equity and justice,” with a series of presentations and discussions on issues including multi-stakeholder collaboration to accelerate gender equality, equity and justice, the urgency for achieving it, women advancing peace and security, and multilateralism and the intersection of religion and human rights.