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¿Qué mensaje escuchamos cuando rugen las olas de la juventud ecuménica?

El pasado 1 de abril, al dar comienzo el evento híbrido de presentación del libro “Let the waves roar” (“Que rujan las olas”) con objeto de dar a conocer de manera más profunda esta publicación de la juventud, el secretario general en funciones del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI), Rev. Prof. Dr. Ioan Sauca, dio la bienvenida a todas las personas que participaron diciendo: “Estoy muy agradecido de contar con esta nueva publicación que incluye las perspectivas de jóvenes voces proféticas en el movimiento ecuménico, especialmente en estos momentos en los que se aproxima la celebración de la 11ª Asamblea”.

Was vernehmen wir, wenn die Jugend in der ökumenischen Bewegung die Stimme erhebt?

Zur Eröffnung einer hybriden Veranstaltung anlässlich der Veröffentlichung der neusten Publikation des ÖRK-Jugendreferats „Let the waves roar“ am 1. April, bei der sich Interessierte eingehender mit den Inhalten besagter Publikation auseinandergesetzt haben, hat der geschäftsführende Generalsekretär des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK), Priester Prof. Dr. Ioan Sauca, die Teilnehmenden begrüßt und gesagt: „Ich bin sehr dankbar für diese neue Publikation; sie legt Blickwinkel von jungen prophetischen Stimmen in der ökumenischen Bewegung dar und das ist besonders wichtig, da die 11. ÖRK-Vollversammlung immer näher rückt.“

Qu'entendons-nous lorsque la jeunesse œcuménique se manifeste haut et fort ?

Avec le lancement le 1er avril de l'événement hybride de plongée plus profonde sur la publication jeunesse "Let the waves roar", le secrétaire général par intérim du Conseil œcuménique des Églises (COE), le père Prof. Dr Ioan Sauca, a souhaité la bienvenue à tous, avec ces mots : "Je suis tellement heureux de découvrir, grâce à cette nouvelle publication, le point de vue de jeunes voix prophétiques du mouvement œcuménique surtout au moment où nous nous acheminons vers la 11e assemblée."

What do we hear when the ecumenical youth roar?

As the hybrid book event on a deeper dive in the youth publication Let the waves roar” commenced on 1 April, World Council of Churches (WCC) acting general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Ioan Sauca welcomed everyone, saying: I am so grateful to have the new publication with perspectives of young prophetic voices in the ecumenical movement, especially as we move toward the 11th assembly.”

Intergenerational book event to dive deeper into the waves

The World Council of Churches (WCC) is inviting an intergenerational group to explore, critically analyze, and propose ways forward at a hybrid event of a deeper dive into the different voices represented in the youth publication “Let the waves roar.” 

WCC celebrates life of Brazilian theologian and ecumenist Zwinglio Mota Dias

Zwinglio Mota Dias used to make jokes about problems with the spelling of his first name in Brazil and elsewhere. In Brazil because of the first half of it. Elsewhere because of the second. Born to a Presbyterian family, his parents wanted to name him as a tribute to the great Swiss reformer of the 16th century, Ulrich Zwingli.

Perkins names Dr Evelyn Parker as 2021 Distinguished Alumna

The Perkins School of Theology Alumni/ae Council selected Dr Evelyn L. Parker as the 2021 recipient of the Perkins Distinguished Alumnus/a Award. The award recognizes Perkins graduates who have demonstrated effectiveness and integrity in service to the church, continuing support for the goals of Perkins and Southern Methodist University, outstanding service to the community, and exemplary character.

Groundbreaking global conference opens gates to a Pan-Africanism for all and with all to finally defeat scourge of racism

Over 23-29 October, a Global Conference of Africa and Africans in the Diaspora (AAD) revisited the historical 1945 Manchester Pan-African Conference and critically reviewed progress made since then. Speakers and participants also worked to determine and develop effective global strategies to radically change the lot of Africans and people of African descent globally—and thereby defeat the scourge of racism in the world.