Displaying 1 - 20 of 23

Semana de Oración por la Unidad de los Cristianos

18 - 25 January 2024

La Semana de Oración por la Unidad de los Cristianos, que se celebrará del 18 al 25 de enero (en el hemisferio norte) y del 21 al 28 de mayo (en el hemisferio sur), unirá a las iglesias del mundo bajo el tema “Amarás al Señor tu Dios... y a tu prójimo como a ti mismo” (Lucas 10:27).

Northern hemisphere

Oración ecuménica en línea por la unidad cristiana

25 January 2021

El secretario general interino del CMI, Rev. Prof. Ioan Sauca, invita a la familia ecuménica mundial y a sus amigos y amigas a unirse en un servicio público de oración retransmitido en directo el último día de la Semana de Oración por la Unidad de los Cristianos.


Global ecumenical prayer for Christian Unity

25 January 2021

WCC interim general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Ioan Sauca is inviting the global ecumenical family and friends to join a livestreamed public prayer service on the final day of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.


Ecumenical prayer on the occasion of the Week of Action to Fight Inequality

20 January 2020

The World Council of Churches (WCC) is part of the “Fight Inequality” Alliance that aims to “build a global movement to counter the excessive concentration of power and wealth in the hands of a small elite and achieve a just, equal and sustainable world”. On 20 January, an ecumenical prayer service will be held in the WCC headquarters in Geneva as part of its involvement in the Week of Action to Fight Inequality 2020 (18 - 25 January).

Ecumenical Centre

Worship on the Occasion of the Week of Action to Fight Inequality

21 January 2019

During the week of 18-25 January, we celebrate two important events: the Week of Action to Fight Inequality and the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity which has as its theme for 2019, “justice and only justice you shall pursue” (Deuteronomy 16, 18-20). As Christians, we are a diverse, worldwide family. Jesus calls us to be the light of the world, to preach the good news to those that have less. Where can our worldwide network serve as a light in a world of tremendous inequalities? Where can the Holy Spirit help us to come together as one and discover our potential for enacting change?

Chapel of the Ecumenical Centre, Geneva, Switzerland

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

18 - 25 January 2024

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, held worldwide on 18-25 January (Northern hemisphere) and 21-28 May (Southern hemisphere), will draw together churches across the globeunder the theme "You shall love the Lord your God ... and your neighbour as yourself" (Luke 10:27).

Northern hemisphere

Materiales y celebración ecuménica para la Semana de Oración por la Unidad de los Cristianos 2011

Preparados conjuntamente por el Consejo Pontificio para la promoción de la unidad de los cristianos y la Comisión Fe y Constitución del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias.

Traducción preparada por la Comisión para las relaciones interconfesionales de la Conferencia Episcopal Española

Unidos en la enseñanza de los apóstoles, la comunión fraterna, la fracción del pan y la oración

(cf. Hch 2,42)

Commission on Faith and Order

Country profile: Georgia

Please note that these profiles are intended to serve as general references, and do not represent official policy positions of the World Council of Churches. The WCC strives to maintain accuracy in its information, but cannot be responsible for any mistakes or outdated information.

WCC Programmes

Country profile: Slovakia

"Church & country profiles" for several countries have been developed by the WCC Europe desk ahead of the 2006 assembly. Please note that these profiles are intended to serve as general references, and do not represent official policy positions of the World Council of Churches. The WCC strives to maintain accuracy in its information, but cannot be responsible for any mistakes or outdated information.

WCC Programmes