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Un seminario web concluye que combatir la desinformación es complejo, pero que es algo que debe hacerse

Un seminario web celebrado el 3 de diciembre, bajo los auspicios del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI) y la Asociación Mundial para la Comunicación Cristiana (WACC, por sus siglas en inglés), con el título “Religión y desinformación: cómo ser una fuente fiable”, presentó casos de estudio de países africanos sobre cómo prevenir y combatir la desinformación. 

Las organizaciones confesionales deben dar ejemplo eligiendo banca responsable con el clima

El 3 de julio, un evento en línea titulado “Salvar la vida de niños y niñas: banca responsable con el clima”, llamó la atención sobre el peligro que entrañan las inversiones en nuevos proyectos de extracción y explotación de combustibles fósiles para el bienestar de la infancia, los jóvenes y las generaciones futuras, y alentó a la adopción de medidas para exigir responsabilidades a quienes siguen haciendo ese tipo de inversiones.

Des banques plus responsables pour le climat: les organisations d’inspiration religieuse encouragées à prêcher par l’exemple

Le 3 juillet, lors d’un événement en ligne intitulé «Sauvez la vie des enfants: des services bancaires plus responsables pour le climat», il a été expliqué qu’investir dans de nouveaux projets d’expansion des combustibles fossiles menace le bien-être des enfants, des jeunes et des générations à venir. L’objectif était également d’encourager à agir pour demander des comptes à celles et ceux qui investissent dans les combustibles fossiles.

True Freedom

Een Nieuwe Wereldwijde Cursus voor de Veertigdagentijd
Rev. Dr Kenneth Mtata
Bishop Alastair Redfern
Frederique Seidel
Caroline Virgo
Claire Walford

A new global resource from The World Council of Churches and The Clewer Initiative, True Freedom is a six-week course for Lent. It draws on themes from the book of Galatians and encourages individuals and churches to respond to modern slavery in their communities.

True Freedom includes:

  • A short Bible study on the book of Galatians
  • A reflection written by Revd Dr Kenneth Mtata and Bishop Alastair Redfern
  • Questions for group discussion or personal reflection
  • Case studies from churches around the world
  • Information and statistics about modern slavery
  • Artwork to contemplate and discuss

True Freedom is available in English, German, French, Spanish, Dutch, and Korean 

사순절 자료집 #진정한 자유

A New Global Course for Lent 2024
Rev. Dr Kenneth Mtata
Bishop Alastair Redfern
Frederique Seidel
Caroline Virgo
Claire Walford

A new global resource from The World Council of Churches and The Clewer Initiative, True Freedom is a six-week course for Lent. It draws on themes from the book of Galatians and encourages individuals and churches to respond to modern slavery in their communities.

True Freedom includes:

  • A short Bible study on the book of Galatians
  • A reflection written by Revd Dr Kenneth Mtata and Bishop Alastair Redfern
  • Questions for group discussion or personal reflection
  • Case studies from churches around the world
  • Information and statistics about modern slavery
  • Artwork to contemplate and discuss

True Freedom is available in English, German, French, Spanish, Dutch, and Korean 

Prière pour la Journée mondiale de la santé Dimanche 7 avril 2024

Dans le cadre du cycle de prière œcuménique, nous prions pour les peuples et les Églises de Roumanie, de Hongrie et de Bulgarie.

La Journée mondiale de la santé a lieu le 7 avril, date à laquelle l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé célèbre son 76e anniversaire. Cette année, le thème est «Ma santé, mon droit», ce qui nous rappelle qu’il faut plaider en faveur d’un accès équitable aux services de santé et œuvrer pour un monde plus sain et plus inclusif.  

WCC Programmes

Seven Weeks for Water 2024, final refection: "Groaning earth needs resurrection through 'water of life'"

The last reflection of the Seven Weeks for Water 2024 series of the WCC Ecumenical Water Network is jointly written by Rev. Audra Hudson Stone and Jacob Stone. They argue that natural disasters are not natural anymore; rather, they are human-induced. These disasters are the groaning of the earth, which is drawing our attention to mend our ways. The Stones are hopeful that, as Jesus rose from the shackles of death, the mother earth, too, will rise from its despair, suffering, and death through the water of life”—Jesus Christ. To that end, we need to facilitate and practice resurrection” of the earth!

Seven Weeks for Water 2024, week 5: "Amid rain and storms, discerning the signs of the times"

The fifth reflection of the Seven Weeks for Water 2024 series of the WCC Ecumenical Water Network is written by  Rev. Jane Stranz. In this reflection, she dwells on the text where Jesus calms a storm, while his disciples were panicked.  She calls for a conversion from relying on a God with magical powers to having faith in a God who calls us to take an active part in the miracle of overcoming fear. Jesus calls us to share in interpreting the signs of the times and take responsible action together for the kingdom.  A clarion call indeed in our advocacy for water justice and climate justice.

Seven Weeks for Water 2024, week 4: "Thirst for justice: a Dalit women’s perspective on water rights"

The  fourth reflection of the Seven Weeks for Water 2024 series of the WCC Ecumenical Water Network is written by Rev. Dr Anupama Hial.  In this reflection, she recalls her struggles in the past as a Dalit woman in India to get access to clean water.  She challenges churches to be a catalyst for fulfilling the promise of Isaiah to provide free water to all who are thirsty, especially to the Dalit women. 

Seven Weeks for Water 2024, week 3: "Celebrating Jesus’ life in water through the lens of justice”

The third reflection of the Seven Weeks for Water 2024 series of the WCC Ecumenical Water Network is written by Very Rev. Dr Augustinos Bairactaris. In this reflection, he underscores that the water justice issue is a theological task for all, and that the health of the water is vital to human civilization, and for the stability of the worlds climate and biodiversity. He urges all Christians to pray, fast, and act together for a sustainable environment and planet, especially during Lent.

What can churches do to prevent modern slavery?

Jackline Makena Mutuma is a clergy with the Methodist Church in Kenya and a student at the World Council of Churches (WCC) Ecumenical Institute at Bossey, where her current research is related to the intersection of modern-day slavery and global warming. She was also recently elected as one of the vice moderators of the WCC Commission on Faith and Order. In a WCC interview, she reflects on the urgent issue of preventing modern slavery.

Seven Weeks for Water 2024, week 1: Water for peace in the Middle East region

The first reflection of the Seven Weeks for Water 2024 series of the WCC Ecumenical Water Network is written by Dr Munib Younan,* bishop emeritus of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land and former president of the Lutheran World Federation. In this reflection, the author, as a Palestinian, in line with this year's theme of "leveraging water for peace,” reflects on Isaiah's promise of free water for the thirsty in the context of the ongoing Israeli war in Gaza that has worsened the water situation in Gaza to catastrophic levels.