Displaying 1 - 13 of 13

Dr Cecile De Sweemer, the doer of God

Dr Cecile De Sweemer, who served as staff of the Christian Medical Commission of the World Council of Churches (WCC) from 1982 to 1986, died on the 27 November in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). De Sweemer, a Belgian medical doctor with a doctorate in International Health from Johns Hopkins University, with extensive experience in Asia and Africa, was a dedicated and compassionate physician.

New Humanitarian Pledge to Ban Nuclear Weapons advances as troubled treaty stalls

Four weeks of negotiations on nuclear weapons came to a close on Friday 22 May, as the Review Conference of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty ended without a formal agreement. Despite the outcome, a bright new prospect towards a world without nuclear weapons has emerged in the form of a Humanitarian Pledge, now endorsed by 107 states, which promises “to fill the legal gap for the prohibition and elimination of nuclear weapons”.

Weaving together personal faith and climate change

Although climate change is often thought of as something external to an individual person, it is interwoven with personal spirituality, as well. This was the conclusion of a panel of three faith leaders during a session at the Interfaith Summit on Climate Change held on 22 September.

Kirchen arbeiten in Konfliktsituationen für Gerechtigkeit und Frieden

Konfliktsituationen, soziale Zersplitterung und politische Spannungen im Südsudan, in Südkorea und in Nigeria, sowie die Bemühungen der Kirchen in diesen Ländern um Gerechtigkeit, Frieden und Stabilität für allen Menschen und Gemeinschaften, standen im Mittelpunkt einer Plenarsitzung während der Tagung des Zentralausschusses des ÖRK in Genf (Schweiz) am 3. Juli.

Churches working for justice and peace in situations of conflict

Situations of conflict, social fragmentation and political tensions in South Sudan, South Korea and Nigeria, as well as struggles of the churches in these countries seeking justice, peace and stability for all people and communities, formed the focus of a session on 3 July at the WCC Central Committee meeting in Geneva, Switzerland.