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Seven Weeks for Water 2024, final refection: "Groaning earth needs resurrection through 'water of life'"

The last reflection of the Seven Weeks for Water 2024 series of the WCC Ecumenical Water Network is jointly written by Rev. Audra Hudson Stone and Jacob Stone. They argue that natural disasters are not natural anymore; rather, they are human-induced. These disasters are the groaning of the earth, which is drawing our attention to mend our ways. The Stones are hopeful that, as Jesus rose from the shackles of death, the mother earth, too, will rise from its despair, suffering, and death through the water of life”—Jesus Christ. To that end, we need to facilitate and practice resurrection” of the earth!

Seven Weeks for Water 2024, week 1: Water for peace in the Middle East region

The first reflection of the Seven Weeks for Water 2024 series of the WCC Ecumenical Water Network is written by Dr Munib Younan,* bishop emeritus of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land and former president of the Lutheran World Federation. In this reflection, the author, as a Palestinian, in line with this year's theme of "leveraging water for peace,” reflects on Isaiah's promise of free water for the thirsty in the context of the ongoing Israeli war in Gaza that has worsened the water situation in Gaza to catastrophic levels.

Seven Weeks for Water 2023, week 7: "And we are still thirsty for water!", by Bishop Munib Younan

Originally published in 2016, the seventh reflection of the WCC's Ecumenical Water Network Lenten campaign 2023 "Seven Weeks for Water" is from The Rt Rev. Dr Munib Younan, from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land.

Salaam and grace to you from Jerusalem, the Holy City. As an Arab Christian, I am thankful for the opportunity to write a reflection for this year’s “Seven Weeks for Water”. Of course, this part of the world always has been dealing with water issues because of its dry climate and few water resources. Today, however, the Palestinian people face an even greater water challenge. It is a crisis that grows worse year after year.

Water as a divine gift, and justice issue

The importance of water for Christians around the world cannot be overemphasized.  From Genesis 1:1, where we read that “a wind from God swept over the face of the waters” to its sacramental role in baptism and the Eucharist, water is integral to the faith.

WCC invites webinar on ’Racism, Land and Food’

The World Council of Churches (WCC) invites a webinar on ’Racism, Land and Food’ to explore the intersections of food, land, and racial injustices, and discern ways to overcome the impact of racial injustice and inequity on food sovereignty.

Webinar on ’Racism, Land and Food’

15 December 2021

This webinar will explore the intersections of food, land, and racial injustice and discern key lessons from initiatives and good practices that work to overcome the impact of racial injustice and inequity on food sovereignty. 

Online (by registration)