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Seven Weeks for Water 2020, week 6: "Water, food and trade: Impact on the Pacific Islands", by Athena Peralta and Dr Manoj Kurian

The 6th reflection of the Seven Weeks for Water 2020 is by Athena Peralta and Dr Manoj Kurian, programme executives of the World Council of Churches Economic and Ecological Justice programme and Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance, respectively. In this reflection, they are focusing on the perils of cash crops such as sugarcane, produced primarily for exporting, threatening to impact the freshwater levels of Fiji. Over-dependency on food import for its sustenance is not a sustainable practice.

WCC Programmes

Seven Weeks fo Water 2019, week 5: "Securing water for food security and climate adaptation", by Athena Peralta and Manoj Kurian

The fifth reflection of the “Seven Weeks for Water 2019” of World Council of Churches’ Ecumenical Water Network is done jointly by Dr Manoj Kurian and Ms Athena Peralta, the Coordinator of WCC-Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance and Programme Executive of WCC Economic and Ecological Justice programmes respectively. In the following reflection, they underline the nexus between water, food and climate change and how our irresponsible consumption pattern on one can influence the other sectors.  They further challenge us to review our footprints on water, climate change etc and encourage us to take actions this Lent for making our planet more sustainable.

WCC Programmes

AIDS 2018: WCC-EAA Global Organizing Committee, Terms of Reference

The International AIDS Conference will be held in Amsterdam from 23-27 July 2018. The WCC-EAA has started planning for interfaith activities and is looking for a dynamic and committed group of people to make this possible. Normally, this includes planning for a pre-conference, networking zone, interfaith service and encouraging greater involvement of the faith sector in the main conference. If you have time and energy to commit, please see these Terms of Reference for being part of the Global Organizing Committee.

WCC Programmes

Call for Faith Networking Zone workshop proposals - ICASA 2017

The WCC-EAA is hosting a dynamic networking zone in the Global Village of ICASA 2017 in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire, 4-8 December 2017. We are now looking for your suggestions and abstracts for activities, workshops and events to make the Faith Networking Zone a lively, engaging and inspiring space, highlighting the important role of faith-based organizations in the global response to HIV.

WCC Programmes

Invitation to be involved in the WCC-EAA HIV Campaign

The World Council of Churches - Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance is deeply committed to overcoming HIV, and eliminating AIDS as a public health threat, but it can only make a significant impact through the involvement and commitment of its participating organisations. Therefore, the WCC-EAA now shares a number of opportunities for volunteers to contribute to these goals.

WCC Programmes

9.5 Theses for a new quest for unity and peace through Ecumenical Diakonia

9.5 Theses for a new quest for unity and peace through Ecumenical Diakonia (In the month commemorating 500 years of Reformation, a modest contribution to our joint reflection and actions for a new transformation of the world towards unity, justice and peace, might be expressed in one-tenth the number of theses that initiated the transformation called the “Reformation”.)

General Secretary