United Nations Secretariat, New York
Tuesday, January 29th, 2019
Towards an Economy of Life
Organized by:
ACT Alliance
The General Board of Church and Society of the United Methodist Church
General Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists
Islamic Relief USA
United Religions Initiative
World Council of Churches
Co-sponsored by:
United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on Religion and Sustainable Development
NGO Committee on Financing for Development
Conference of NGOs (CoNGO)
Click here to download the bios of the moderators and speakers of the 5th Annual Symposium
8:30-9:00 AM Arrivals and security check-in
9:00 -9:40 AM Opening
Moderator: Mr. Rudelmar Bueno de Faria, General Secretary, ACT Alliance
Dr. Azza Karam, Coordinator, United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on Religion and Development
Mr. Anwar Khan, President, Islamic Relief USA
Rev. Dr. Olav Fykse-Tveit, General Secretary, World Council of Churches (Message delivered by Peter Prove, Director of WCC's Commission of the Churches on International Affairs)
Rev. Dr. Susan Henry-Crowe, General Secretary, General Board of Church and Society of The United Methodist Church (Message delivered by Bishop Hope Morgan Ward)
9:40-10:40 AM Panel One: Economy of Life: Faith-based Perspectives on Economic Justice as a Moral Imperative
Panel One will present a faith-based framing of financing for sustainable development, including the moral foundations for an Economy of Life that incorporates peace, justice and sustainability.
Moderator: Dr. Ganoune Diop, Director of Public Affairs, General Conference of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church and Secretary General, International Religious Liberty Association
Dr. Ulrich Duchrow, Professor of Systematic Theology at the University of Heidelberg, Germany
Dr. Manuel Montes, Senior Advisor, Finance and Development & Permanent Observer to the United Nations in New York, South Centr
Sister Winfred Doherty, Main NGO Representative to the United Nations, Congregation Of Our Lady Of Charity
Mr. Anwar Khan, President, Islamic Relief USA
Dr. Azza Karam, Coordinator, United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on Religion and Development
10:40-11:05 AM Questions and Answers in Plenary
11:05-11:30 AM Break
11:30 AM-12:30 PM Panel Two: Integrating Human Rights in Financing for Sustainable Development
Panel Two will address the creation of an international financial architecture which promotes human rights, finds solutions to the debt crisis and realizes the attainment of the SDGs.
Moderator: Rev. Dr. Liberato Bautista, Assistant General Secretary for UN and International Affairs and Main UN Representative, General Board of Church and Society of the United Methodist Church
Dr. Doerte Doemeland, Practice Manager, Global Macro and Debt Analytics, Macroeconomics, Trade & Investment, World Bank Group
Ms. Lidy Nacpil, Co-coordinator, Asia-Peoples’ Movement on Debt and Development
Ms. Kathryn Tobin, Advocacy Coordinator, WaterAid
Ms. Anita Thomas, Chair, NGO Committee on Financing for Development
Dr. Elizabeta Kitanovic, Executive Secretary for Human Rights, Conference of European Churches
12:30-1:00 PM Questions and Answers in Plenary
1:00-2:00 PM Lunch Break
2:00-3:00 PM Panel Three: Sustainable Resourcing for Sustainable Development
Panel Three will feature a dialogue on the mobilization of domestic resources through taxation as a means to tackle inequalities, guarantee human rights, promote climate and ecological sustainability, and to finance social protection. Examples of alternative financing for social protection will be discussed.
Moderator: Ms. Mercy Niwe, World Bank Lead for Global Faith Initiatives, World Bank Group
Bishop Ingeborg Midttømme, Bishop of Møre, Church of Norway
Mr. Navid Hanif, Director for Financing for Sustainable Development Office, UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Hereditary Chief Phil Lane Jr., United Religions Initiative
Mr. Sharif Aly, Chief Executive Officer, Islamic Relief USA
Rabbi Diana Gerson, Associate Executive Vice President, New York Board of Rabbis
3:00-3:30 PM Questions and Answers in Plenary
3:30-4:00 PM Break
4:00-5:00 PM Panel Four: Building Genuine Partnerships for Sustainable Development
Panel Four will review the growing role of the private sector in development finance and policy, including public-private partnerships. We will discuss the need for systems of accountability and transparency and explore a more nuanced definition of partnerships in funding sustainable development. We will examine the role of faith-based organizations in funding the SDGs.
Moderator: Rev. Douglas Leonard, Representative to the United Nations, World Council of Churches
Ms. Athena Peralta, Programme Executive for Economic and Ecological Justice, World Council of Churches
Mr. Monem Salam, President and Executive Director of Saturna Sdn. Bhd., Saturna Capital
Mr. Clive Harris, Practice Manager, Infrastructure, PPPs, and Guarantees, World Bank Group
Ms. Barbara Adams, Board Chair, Global Policy Forum
Mr. Michael Even, Interim Chief Executive Officer, FaithInvest, Alliance of Religion and Conservation
Mr. Aamer Naeem, Chief Executive Officer, Penny Appeal
5:00-5:30 PM Questions and Answers in Plenary
5:30-6:00 PM Closing Remarks
Dr. Ganoune Diop, Director of Public Affairs, General Conference of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church and Secretary General, International Religious Liberty Association
Mr. Aamir A. Rehman, Senior Advisor, United Nations Development Program
Ms. May Hashem, Symposium Coordinating Committee Representative, Islamic Relief