Image removed.The World Council of Churches - Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance (WCC-EAA) is deeply committed to overcoming HIV, and eliminating AIDS as a public health threat, but it can only make a significant impact through the involvement and commitment of its participating organisations. Therefore, the WCC-EAA now shares a number of opportunities for volunteers to contribute to these goals.

Interfaith workshops at ICASA 2017 in Côte d’Ivoire

The WCC-EAA is hosting a dynamic networking zone in the Global Village of ICASA 2017 in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire, 4-8 December 2017. We are now looking for your suggestions and abstracts for activities, workshops and events to make the Faith Networking Zone a lively, engaging and inspiring space, highlighting the important role of faith-based organizations in the global response to HIV.

If you will be attending ICASA and are interested to know more about our space, please contact [email protected].

More information about the call for workshop proposals

The deadline for submissions is 5 November 2017.

Global Organizing Committee for AIDS 2018

The International AIDS Conference will be held in Amsterdam from 23-27 July 2018. The WCC-EAA has started planning for interfaith activities and is looking for a dynamic and committed group of people to make this possible. Normally, this includes planning for a pre-conference, networking zone, interfaith service and encouraging greater involvement of the faith sector in the main conference.

If you have time and energy to commit, you can see the terms of reference and read more here.

The deadline for applications is 5 November 2017.

WCC-EAA HIV Working Groups

The WCC-EAA HIV Campaign functions through a number of Working Groups providing input, guidance and action toward our goals. At the moment, the working groups are arranged around the specific goals of the campaign:

-       Maintaining HIV as a Global Focus

-       Universal access to prevention, testing, treatment care and support

-       Stigma and Discrimination are eliminated and human rights and dignity are upheld

If you are passionate about any of these topics and willing to contribute time and effort, you can read more about our work here.

The deadline for applications is 12 November 2017.

If you have any questions about these opportunities not covered in the links above, please contact Francesca Merico, at [email protected]

Through your contribution and participation, the WCC-EAA can ensure that Faith is on the Fast Track in responding to HIV and AIDS!