Displaying 1 - 20 of 345

At Peace Conference in Jakarta, WCC shares positive examples of interfaith action for peace

At a Peace Conference in Jakarta, Indonesia, hosted by the United Evangelical Mission (UEM) and the Communion of Churches in Indonesia (PGI), Peter Prove, director of the World Council of Churches Commission of the Churches on International Affairs, participated as a panel speaker during a session on ““Global Challenges and Perspective for Interfaith Action” on 21 November.

Blending local and global ecumenism in Asia

After being postponed twice because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the 15th General Assembly of the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) finally got underway in late September and early October 2023 in Kottayam, India. Under the theme "God, renew us in your spirit and restore the creation,” CCA member churches across Asia gathered to stake out the direction forward and evaluate accomplishments and challenges since the last assembly in 2015 in Jakarta. 

GEM School: a North Star of economic justice

On a recent morning walk right before dawn, I could still see the stars. I saw the Polaris Star, or North Star, which is the brightest star in its constellation. It reminded me of the Underground Railroad and the network of people in North America who led Black people from southern bondage to northern freedom by following the North Star. 

A journey through advocacy, women's leadership, and the Korea peace appeal

The call for peace in Korea has resonated for decades, echoing across international borders and faith communities. Patti Talbot, who has served The United Church of Canada for nearly 30 years, sheds light on the enduring relevance of ecumenical advocacy efforts for peace in the Korean Peninsula. She shared insights into the importance of these efforts and their potential to change the situation on the Korean Peninsula.

Video interview: WCC “will be known by where it invests its moral and financial resources”

In a video interview with WCC news, Rev. Dr Liberato C. Bautista, assistant general secretary for United Nations and International Affairs, General Board of Church and Society of The United Methodist Church, reflects on the dynamics of the ecumenical movement between local and global realities and the role of the World Council of Churches (WCC) in international multilateral dialogue.

GEM School explores how to make new economic world order a reality

Held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – a city of socioeconomic contrasts – from 21 August to 1 September, the 6th edition of the Ecumenical School on Governance, Economics, and Management for an Economy of Life (GEM School 2023) gathered 24 participants to rethink economic systems for a more equitable, sustainable planet.

Le secrétaire général du COE, en collaboration avec les Églises des États-Unis, cherche des moyens de renforcer les relations

Une délégation du Conseil œcuménique des Églises (COE) menée par le pasteur Pillay, secrétaire général du COE, s’est rendue cette semaine à New York et à Washington, DC. Elle y a rencontré des représentant-e-s des Nations Unies, le nonce apostolique, le Conseil national des Églises d’Amérique du Nord, d’autres responsables d’Églises, des organisations œcuméniques et des représentant-e-s de l’État.