WCC GS Indonesia

Im absolutely grateful to the Persekutuan Gereja-gereja di Indonesia (Communion of Churches in Indonesia) for arranging a really wonderful and meaningful immersion experience for me into the Indonesian context in my first visit there as general secretary of the WCC,” said Pillay.

While visiting Indonesia, Pillay offered several lectures, had conversations with 27 WCC member churches, and met with community and national leaders, as well as over 1,000 students.

WCC GS Indonesia

All provided valuable insights into the life, work, and witness of churches in Indonesia,” he said. Indeed, we have so much to learn from them with regards to Christian unity, cultural diversity, collaboration on contextual and global issues and, especially, in the area of inter-religious dialogue and cooperation.”

What impressed him most, Pillay added, was commitment to the WCC in Indonesia.

This was most visible in so many ways,” he said. May God continue to bless and prosper the witness of the church there and our prayers are with the country as they prepare for their general elections on 14 February. May God guide and bless you all.”

Pillay, hosted by the Persekutuan Gereja-gereja di Indonesia, met with many different churches. Conversations often centered around collaboration and commitment.

Addressing an Interfaith Gathering, Pillay and all the participants had meaningful engagement on religions uniting for peace and harmony in Indonesia and beyond. With elections approaching on 14 February, the focus is on the lead-up to the day of voting.

WCC GS Indonesia

At the Interfaith Gathering, participants shared paintings of their symbols of peace.

Speaking at the Batak Protestant Church with about 600 people in attendance on a Friday morning, Pillay received a warm welcome. 

We are committed to the WCC and value the work you do,” said Batak Protestant Church moderator Rev. Dr Robinson Butarbutar.

WCC Commission on Faith and Order gathers with hope at the heart (WCC news release, 3 February 2024)

WCC general secretary to Faith and Order: “your commitment to deep theological reflection is vital”

WCC general secretary address to the Faith and Order Commission meeting in Indonesia

Photo gallery from the meeting (free to download)

WCC Commission on Faith and Order to convene in Indonesia (WCC news release, 31 January 2024)