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Seven Weeks for Water 2024, final refection: "Groaning earth needs resurrection through 'water of life'"

The last reflection of the Seven Weeks for Water 2024 series of the WCC Ecumenical Water Network is jointly written by Rev. Audra Hudson Stone and Jacob Stone. They argue that natural disasters are not natural anymore; rather, they are human-induced. These disasters are the groaning of the earth, which is drawing our attention to mend our ways. The Stones are hopeful that, as Jesus rose from the shackles of death, the mother earth, too, will rise from its despair, suffering, and death through the water of life”—Jesus Christ. To that end, we need to facilitate and practice resurrection” of the earth!

Advocacy and prophetic witness for metanoia

The Kanak concept of “Do Kamo: the authentic human in a permanent becoming”, emphasizes that true human nature is not a fixed state—not something one is born with, but rather an ongoing process of maturation. This is a metaphor for personal growth and transformation, as individuals let go of their past selves and embrace their true identities. This transformation symbolizes shedding our primitive natures and embracing the qualities and potentials of a Do Kamo.

Seven Weeks for Water 2024, week 5: "Amid rain and storms, discerning the signs of the times"

The fifth reflection of the Seven Weeks for Water 2024 series of the WCC Ecumenical Water Network is written by  Rev. Jane Stranz. In this reflection, she dwells on the text where Jesus calms a storm, while his disciples were panicked.  She calls for a conversion from relying on a God with magical powers to having faith in a God who calls us to take an active part in the miracle of overcoming fear. Jesus calls us to share in interpreting the signs of the times and take responsible action together for the kingdom.  A clarion call indeed in our advocacy for water justice and climate justice.

Seven Weeks for Water 2024, week 4: "Thirst for justice: a Dalit women’s perspective on water rights"

The  fourth reflection of the Seven Weeks for Water 2024 series of the WCC Ecumenical Water Network is written by Rev. Dr Anupama Hial.  In this reflection, she recalls her struggles in the past as a Dalit woman in India to get access to clean water.  She challenges churches to be a catalyst for fulfilling the promise of Isaiah to provide free water to all who are thirsty, especially to the Dalit women. 

Seven Weeks for Water 2024, week 3: "Celebrating Jesus’ life in water through the lens of justice”

The third reflection of the Seven Weeks for Water 2024 series of the WCC Ecumenical Water Network is written by Very Rev. Dr Augustinos Bairactaris. In this reflection, he underscores that the water justice issue is a theological task for all, and that the health of the water is vital to human civilization, and for the stability of the worlds climate and biodiversity. He urges all Christians to pray, fast, and act together for a sustainable environment and planet, especially during Lent.

Engaging climate justice: WCC Eco-School

Students who recently completed the WCC Eco School in Crete, Greece, took time to compile their reflections on how the experience helped them hone their messages and actions related to climate justice and a transition to green energy. This is first of a series of blog entries from Eco School students.

Climate crisis: have we learned lessons from the past?

"2000", "3000", "10 000,” and "we cannot provide reliable estimates regarding the number of victims”—these were heard and read in the last days ever too often about the situation in Libya. This situation highlights the pressing issues of climate change and global injustices also regarding the youth. Again and again.

GEM School: a North Star of economic justice

On a recent morning walk right before dawn, I could still see the stars. I saw the Polaris Star, or North Star, which is the brightest star in its constellation. It reminded me of the Underground Railroad and the network of people in North America who led Black people from southern bondage to northern freedom by following the North Star. 

Witnessing the mighty river flow

What an incredible time to be living in! While skepticism and eco-anxiety tend to be the results we most see nowadays as we grow aware of the dimensions of the climate crisis and the loss of biodiversity and the socio-environmental crisis, for me I can't help but feel the daring and stubborn Christian hope as I grow increasingly committed to ecumenical care for creation. 

Sept réflexions de la campagne pour l'eau 2023, semaine 7: "Nous avons encore soif d’eau vive! ", par Bishop Munib Younan

Publiée à l'origine en 2016, la septième étude biblique de la campagne de carême 2023 du Réseau œcuménique pour l'eau du COE "Sept semaines pour l'eau" est rédigée par le très révérend Dr Munib Younan, de l'Église évangélique luthérienne de Jordanie et de Terre Sainte.

Salaam! Que la grâce soit sur vous depuis la Cité Sainte de Jérusalem. En tant que chrétien arabe, je suis heureux de pouvoir écrire une réflexion pour les «Sept semaines pour l’eau» de cette année. Certes, à cause de son climat sec et de la rareté des ressources hydriques, cette région du monde a toujours connu des problèmes d’eau. Mais les difficultés auxquelles sont confrontés les Palestiniens aujourd’hui sont encore plus grandes. La crise actuelle s’aggrave d’année en année.

Seven Weeks for Water 2023, week 7: "And we are still thirsty for water!", by Bishop Munib Younan

Originally published in 2016, the seventh reflection of the WCC's Ecumenical Water Network Lenten campaign 2023 "Seven Weeks for Water" is from The Rt Rev. Dr Munib Younan, from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land.

Salaam and grace to you from Jerusalem, the Holy City. As an Arab Christian, I am thankful for the opportunity to write a reflection for this year’s “Seven Weeks for Water”. Of course, this part of the world always has been dealing with water issues because of its dry climate and few water resources. Today, however, the Palestinian people face an even greater water challenge. It is a crisis that grows worse year after year.

Seven Weeks for Water 2023, week 6: "Water for Life", by Bishop Dr Heinrich Bedford-Strohm

Originally published in 2014, the sixth Biblical reflection of the Seven Weeks for Water 2023 is by Bishop Dr Heinrich Bedford-Strohm of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria, Germany, and moderator of the WCC central committee. Citing examples from the Bible, he highlights that water is absolutely necessary for life and that everybody has the right of free access to water for their sustenance,  irrespective of their economic status.

Sept semaines pour l'eau 2023, semaine 4: "L'Eau: Don et Source de Vie ", par Ivo Poletto

Initialement publié en 2018, le quatrième Réflexion de la série « Sept semaines pour l'eau » 2023 du Réseau œcuménique de l'eau du Conseil œcuménique des Églises est d'Ivo Poletto, philosophe, théologien et spécialiste des sciences sociales du Brésil. Il est également conseiller national du Forum sur le changement climatique et la justice sociale au Brésil. Dans la réflexion qui suit, il analyse le cycle de l'eau du Brésil, les « fleuves volants » de l'Amazonie mais aussi se lamente sur l'épuisement rapide des forêts qui rompent le cycle de l'eau et font disparaître les nuages ainsi que les aquifères. Il insiste sur le fait que l'eau est l'un des biens communs qui nécessite une attention particulière, car il n'y a pas de vie sans eau.

Seven Weeks for Water 2023, week 4: "Water - Gift and Source of Life", by Ivo Poletto

Originally published in 2018, the fourth Reflection of the “Seven Weeks for Water” 2023 series of World Council of Churches’ Ecumenical Water Network is by Ivo Poletto, a philosopher, theologian and social scientist from Brazil. He is also national advisor to the Climate Change and Social Justice Forum in Brazil. In the following reflection, he analyses the water cycle of Brazil, the “flying rivers” of the Amazon but also laments on fast depleting forests which are breaking the water cycle and making clouds as well as aquifers disappear.  He insists that water is one of the common goods that require special care, as there is no life without water.