Displaying 1 - 20 of 1339

WCC mourns passing of Rev. Dr John Moyer

The World Council of Churches (WCC) is mourning the death of Rev. Dr John Moyer, Presbyterian minister from Berkeley, California (US), who dedicated his life to ecumenical work. 

Church and Peace calls on parliamentarians to rethink security in Europe

Church and Peace— the European ecumenical peace church network of communities, training centres, peace organisations, and peace service agencies—is calling on parliamentarians to rethink security, and work for a paradigm shift toward peace. Rev. Antje Heider-Rottwilm, chair of Church and Peace, offered an update on how the call is being received, and her hopes for the future.

Protestinfo and Le Temps present WCC general secretary Jerry Pillay

The newspaper Le Temps recently published a portrait written by Protestinfo on the general secretary of the World Council of Churches, the Reverend Professor Jerry Pillay. In the article, Pillay shares stories from his childhood and also reflects on what motivates him today: his desire to heal a broken world. The article is written by journalist Lucas Vuilleumier from Protestinfo.

Celebrar la historia y avanzar hacia la unidad: 2025 será un año importante para el CMI

En 2025 se conmemorará el 1700º aniversario del primer Concilio Ecuménico, celebrado en el año 325 en Nicea, que inspiró al movimiento ecuménico moderno a trabajar en los asuntos de Fe y Constitución para lograr la unidad de la iglesia y de la humanidad. Además, en 2025 se cumplirá el centenario de la primera Conferencia Cristiana Universal sobre Vida y el Acción, celebrada en Estocolmo en 1925.