Collage of black and white pan-African women in the ecumenical movement

Ahead of Her Time

Pan-African Women of Faith and the Vision of Christian Unity, Mission, and Justice
Angélique Keturah Walker-Smith

The author shares the untold stories of several pan-African women of faith from Africa, North America, Latin America, the Caribbean, and Europe who provided local, national, and global ecumenical leadership during formative periods of the modern-day ecumenical movement.

In addition to the author’s personal experiences with these women, the publication offers an important rewriting of the ecumenical narrative from a pan-African Women’s lens. It is hoped that the publication will strengthen the ecumenical agenda of a more inclusive community that embraces the objectives of the pilgrimage of justice and peace as it embraces the experience of these women who have historically been marginalized and affected by racism and gender discrimination.

Specs: 6x9; 132 pages; size; PDF and print. Greyscale
ISBN: 978-2-8254-1839-0
Shelving/Topics: Religion/Ecumenism/Women
Rights: World, all languages
Price: $19.95; GBP 16.10; CHF 17.90

Order: [email protected]

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Oppressive and colonial histories often neglect to recognize the work and contributions of very significant people who have helped change the world. Added to this are cultural, socio-economic and patriarchal leanings that keep in the distant background the incredible and valuable work of women in shaping society, religion, politics, and economy. I am so pleased that the author of this book, Rev. Dr Angélique Walker-Smith, has taken the time and effort to document, recognize, and celebrate the gifts and contributions of women, especially Black women. I certainly applaud and commend this initiative and hope that we will continue to tell the untold stories and reveal the unknown legacies of courageous and remarkable women as we rewrite (his)tory and include (her)story. Well done to the author!

Rev. Dr Jerry Pillay, general secretary, World Council of Churches

Many times, important stories are relegated to the margins of history. What Rev. Dr Angelique Walker Smith, president from North America in the presidium of the World Council of Churches, has done is to elevate the early experiences and impact of pan-African women in the foundational years of modern ecumenism and its subsequent growth and expansion. These stories are essential, and they can be passed down from one generation to the next. Dive deeply and revisit yesterday’s struggles and strength and move forward with fresh hopes for today and tomorrow.

Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie, general secretary, National Council of Christian Churches in the USA 

This book is a call for repentance and a message of righteousness, actions that are exemplified in Rev. Dr Walker-Smith’s life journey. Her commitment to ecumenical issues also parallels the journey of the ecumenical movement. During my two terms as moderator of the central committee, I observed her engagement with, her contribution to, and her understanding of the women she acknowledges in the book. I pray that the current publication will become a call and reminder to the member churches and the ecumenical movement to endure in their advocacy for righteousness, continue giving voice to the voiceless, and impart the enriching gift of women. Redemption is through God only.

His Holiness Aram I, Armenian Orthodox Church, Holy See Cilicia.