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Las iglesias de África acuerdan directrices para la inclusión de la discapacidad

“Tengo parálisis cerebral con cuadriplejia espástica, lo que significa que todas mis extremidades están gravemente afectadas”. A pesar de esto, mi parálisis cerebral no me define. Soy mucho más que mi parálisis cerebral”, dijo Julius Van der Wat, miembro de la Iglesia Reformada Holandesa de Pretoria (Sudáfrica), en una reciente conferencia de las iglesias sobre discapacidad celebrada en Sudáfrica.

Churches in Africa agree on guidelines for disability inclusion

I have cerebral palsy spastic quadriplegia, meaning all of my limbs are severely affected by my cerebral. However, I am not defined by my cerebral palsy. There's much more to me than my cerebral palsy,” Julius Van Der Wat, a member of the Dutch Reformed Church in Pretoria, South Africa, told a recent churches’ disability conference in South Africa.

Faith leaders in Tanzania vouch for disability health rights and services

As the world marks the 16 Days of Activism on Gender Based Violence, religious leaders, human rights activists, and development partners in Tanzania joined on 5 December to discuss the human rights of girls and women, including those with disabilities, in a forum titled “Wealth of Knowledge and a Wealth of Care.”